
Github actions used by PiwikPRO employees

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Shared github actions

Custom github actions and reusable workflows used both internally and externally by Piwik PRO employees. This repo is public and licensed on MIT license, but contains some actions, that cannot be launched without Piwik PRO proprietary components or secrets - sorry!



Dependabot is a tool to automated dependency updates built into GitHub.

Update changelog

It updates changelog for pull requests created by Dependabot

Example usage:

name: Update changelog when Dependabot creates pull request
        types: [ labeled ]

        if: ${{ github.event.label.name == 'dependencies' }}
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - name: Update changelog
              uses: PiwikPRO/actions/dependabot/update_changelog@master

Info: You should copy not only step, but also another parts above (run only on labeled pull requests with label dependencies) to work it correctly.


Keep a changelog validator:

  • update for checking if CHANGELOG.md has been updated on pull request. If commit message consists skip-cl verification is skipped
  • verify check kacl structure using python-kacl

Example usage:

name: Check changelog update
on: pull_request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 2
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
      - name: Verify CHANGELOG.md kacl-cl structure
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/changelog/verify@master
      - name: Check if CHANGELOG.md is updated
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/changelog/update@master
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Using aws-cli with proxy

It is possible to configure the step that using aws-cli binary to make the connection through proxy. To do this, you must set the appropriate environment variables.

Ready URIs are available under organization level secrets:


Example usage:

      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Copy-pasting this snippet is enough, as all of those variables are exposed on organization level in Piwik PRO
      - name: Download dtools
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/dtools/setup@master
          dtools-token: ${{ secrets.DTOOLS_TOKEN }}
          reporeader-private-key: ${{ secrets.REPOREADER_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          reporeader-application-id: ${{ secrets.REPOREADER_APPLICATION_ID }}
          include-registry: acr # acr is default value, could be a list (ecr, acr, docker_hub, internal_acr)

      - name: Download events
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/dtools/s3_download
          HTTP_PROXY: ${{ secrets.FORWARD_PROXY_HTTP }}
          HTTPS_PROXY: ${{ secrets.FORWARD_PROXY_HTTPS }}
          dtools-token: ${{ secrets.DTOOLS_TOKEN }}


Dtools are deprecated now, please use godtools instead.


Godtools is a tool for performing operations that require sharing sensitive credentials such as pulling docker images or s3 artifacts.


Downloads latest version of the godtools binary and makes it available in PATH.

Example usage:

  - name: Download and setup godtools
    uses: PiwikPRO/actions/godtools/setup@master
      godtools-config: ${{ secrets.GODTOOLS_CONFIG }}
      godtools-key: ${{ secrets.GODTOOLS_KEY }}
      reporeader-private-key: ${{ secrets.REPOREADER_PRIVATE_KEY }}
      reporeader-application-id: ${{ secrets.REPOREADER_APPLICATION_ID }}


Allows to authenticate to docker registries. It requires setup action.

Example usage:

  - name: Login to docker registries with godtools
    uses: PiwikPRO/actions/godtools/login@master
      godtools-config: ${{ secrets.GODTOOLS_CONFIG }}
      godtools-key: ${{ secrets.GODTOOLS_KEY }}
      registries: acr, docker-hub


Allows to push docker images to authenticated registries. It requires both setup and login actions.

Example usage:

  - name: Push container image
    uses: PiwikPRO/actions/godtools/push@master
      image: repository/image
      godtools-config: ${{ secrets.GODTOOLS_CONFIG }}
      godtools-key: ${{ secrets.GODTOOLS_KEY }}

Check optional inputs for additional configuration capabilities.

Download artifacts

Allows to download artifacts, like EventKeeper's events. It requires setup action.

Example usage:

  - name: Download events
    uses: PiwikPRO/actions/godtools/download@master
      HTTP_PROXY: ${{ secrets.FORWARD_PROXY_HTTP }}
      godtools-config: ${{ secrets.GODTOOLS_CONFIG }}
      godtools-key: ${{ secrets.GODTOOLS_KEY }}
      artifacts: events
      ref: master


Contains common logic for continuous integration of Piwik PRO golang projects.


Installs golang and golangci-lint, runs linter tests.

Example usage:

      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Simple linting, uses .golangci configiration file from the repo that is being linted:
      - name: Run linters
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/go/lint@master

      # More sophisticated linter, using common configuration for all repositories and enforcing incremental improvements with every PR.
      # Copy-pasting this snippet is enough, as all of those variables are exposed on organization level in Piwik PRO.
      - name: Run linters
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/go/lint@master
          inclint: "true"
          inclint-aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.COVERAGE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          inclint-aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.COVERAGE_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          inclint-reporeader-application-id: ${{ secrets.COVERAGE_APPLICATION_ID }}
          inclint-reporeader-private-key: ${{ secrets.COVERAGE_PRIVATE_KEY }}


Configure VSCode to use common linter configuration

You can configure your local golangci-lint to use common configuration placed in this repository. First, make sure, that golangci-lint is downloaded and available in your PATH. Then clone this repository and set apropriate settings in preferences:

ctrl+shift+p -> Preferences: Open settings (JSON)

and set:

    "go.lintFlags": [
        "-c", "/home/kkaragiorgis/Projects/promil/actions/go/lint/.golangci.yml"

Replace /home/kkaragiorgis/Projects/promil to wherever you cloned actions repository.

Preferred triggers for workflows using this action

    branches: ["master"]

Push dir to s3

Pushes provided dir to s3.

Example usage:

      - name: Producing some artifacts
        shell: bash
        run: make

      - name: Upload artifacts
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/s3/upload@master
          aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          aws-bucket: my-sweet-artifacts-bucket
          aws-region: eu-central-1
          aws-http-proxy: ${{ secrets.FORWARD_PROXY_HTTP }}
          aws-https-proxy: ${{ secrets.FORWARD_PROXY_HTTPS }}          
          src-path: artifacts/
          dst-path: ${{ github.repository }}/@${{ github.ref_name }}/artifacts/
          echo-destination-index-html: true


Installs golang and runs tests

Example usage:

      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # Simple tests without code coverage:
      - name: Run unit tests
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/go/test@master

      # More sophisticated tests, calculates coverage and enforces small incremental improvements with every PR.
      # Uses AWS S3 to store per-repository and per-branch information about the coverage.
      - name: Run unit tests
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/go/test@master
          cov: "true"
          cov-aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.COVERAGE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          cov-aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.COVERAGE_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          cov-reporeader-application-id: ${{ secrets.COVERAGE_APPLICATION_ID }}
          cov-reporeader-private-key: ${{ secrets.COVERAGE_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          # Optional - boundary value up to which the coverage should be increased
          cov-threshold: 80


Preferred triggers for workflows using this action

    branches: ["master"]

Integration tests setup (pytest)

As most of our golang projects use pytest for integration tests, this action installs golang and pytest, but does not run the tests. The tests are not launched automatically by this action, because most of the integration tests suited require additional configuration in the form of env vars, and unfortunately Github Actions does not allow dynamic injection of configuration (eg. env vars) into already configured step.

Example usage:

      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Setup integration tests
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/go/setup/integration@master

      - name: Run integration tests
        run: py.test -v --tb=short


Attach binary as github release when tag is built

Runs go build and releases the binary when the tag is built.

This action can also automatically update the version of your binary to match the tag, it assumes a certain convention:

  1. It checks if there is cmd/version.go file present
  2. If so, it replaces its contents with package cmd \n const projectVersion = <current tag>
  3. After that it builds the binary. It does not commit or retag anything to git, only the local code is modified before the binary is build.

If cmd/version.go file does not exists, the version is not updated.

Example usage:

      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Release the binary
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/go/release@master
          binary-name: barman
          main-file: main.go




Run various python linters:

Example usage:

      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Simple linting, uses predefined configuration file from this repository:
      - name: Run linters
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/python/lint@master
          use-black: true
          use-flake: true
          use-isort: true


Configure VSCode to use common linter configuration

You can configure your local environment to use common configuration placed in this repository. First, make sure, that black formatter and flake8 extenstions are downloaded and available. Then clone this repository and set apropriate settings in preferences:

ctrl+shift+p -> Preferences: Open settings (JSON)

and set:

    "black-formatter.args": [
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "flake8.args": [
    "isort.args": [
    "[python]": {
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.organizeImports": true

Replace /home/kkaragiorgis/Projects/promil to wherever you cloned actions repository.

Coverage (internal)

This action should not probably used directly by workflows, rather by other actions, that implement unit tests for given languages. The action allows storing coverge of given branch in AWS S3 and comparing coverage results during PRs. It ensures, that coverage is incrementally improved with time, by enforcing small improvement with every PR, up to given threshold (currently 80%).

Example usage (in other action)

    - name: Run coverage action
      uses: PiwikPRO/actions/coverage@master
      if: ${{ inputs.cov == 'true' }}
        aws-access-key-id: ${{ inputs.cov-aws-access-key-id }}
        aws-secret-access-key: ${{ inputs.cov-aws-secret-access-key }}
        head-coverage: ${{ steps.get-coverage.outputs.coverage }}
        github-token: ${{ steps.get-token.outputs.token }}
        threshold: ${{ inputs.cov-threshold }}

Inclint (internal)

This action should not probably used directly by workflows, rather by other actions, that implement linter tests for given languages. The action allows storing number of linter errors for given branch in AWS S3 and comparing number of linter errors results during PRs. It ensures, that number of linter errors is incrementally decreased over time, by enforcing small improvement with every PR.

Example usage

    - name: Run inclint action
      uses: PiwikPRO/actions/inclint@master
      if: ${{ inputs.inclint == 'true' }}
        aws-access-key-id: ${{ inputs.inclint-aws-access-key-id }}
        aws-secret-access-key: ${{ inputs.inclint-aws-secret-access-key }}
        head-linter-errors: ${{ steps.get-linter-errors.outputs.lintererrors }}
        github-token: ${{ steps.get-token.outputs.token }}
        threshold: ${{ inputs.inclint-threshold }}



This action runs prettier and eslint on the target repository. It is currently used exclusively in the onprem platform by the LTS team. This action does not provide any configuration for the linters, it relies on a configfile (such as package.json) located in the target repository, making it as generic as possible.

# Basic usage
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run linters
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/javascript/lts-lint@master

# If eslint and prettier are defined in the package.json
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run linters
        uses: PiwikPRO/actions/javascript/lts-lint@master
          install-command: npm install


K6 action is a part of benchmarking workflow described below and on its own is not very useful. Here is the reference of parameters that can be passed to the action:

name: Run k6
uses: PiwikPRO/actions/k6@master
  script: dev/k6.js
  vus: 25
  duration: 60s
  • script - path to the k6 script, relative to the repository root
  • vus - number of virtual users, a k6 concept
  • duration - duration of the test


This repository allows using continuous benchmarking approach, which you can easily plug into your CI system using few lines of YAML. The benchmarking pipeline works as follows:

  • It runs a benchmarking script on every released tag and archives the results in artifactory.
  • It runs the same benchmarking script during the pull request, if it detects a /benchmark comment.
    • It compares the results with the average result of the last 5 tag benchmarks (if available).

Important. The /benchmark comment won't work unless the workflow is already on main repo branch, this is a limitation of GitHub Actions. Alternative approach, for tests would be to change the conditions, so that the rebuild is triggered on every commit to a PR. Try this approach when integrating this workflow into your repository, specific instructions are on the bottom.

In order to be able to run the pipeline, you need a k6 benchmarking script. Here's how the action is invoked (internal example from one of our repositories):

name: Benchmark
      - '*'
    types: [created]
    if: ${{ github.ref_type == 'tag' || (github.event.issue.pull_request && github.event.comment.body == '/benchmark') }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 20

    - name: Generate PiwikPRO access token
      uses: PiwikPRO/github-app-token-generator@v1
      id: get-token
        private-key: ${{ secrets.REPOREADER_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        app-id: ${{ secrets.REPOREADER_APPLICATION_ID }}

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        submodules: true
        token: ${{ steps.get-token.outputs.token }}

    - name: Start the devenv
      run: ./dev/start.sh # 1 this need to be customized

    - name: Run k6
      uses: PiwikPRO/actions/benchmark/k6@master
        script: dev/k6.js # 2 this need to be customized
        vus: 25
        duration: 60s

    - name: Archive benchmark results
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        name: summary
        path: summary.json

    needs: k6
    uses: PiwikPRO/actions/.github/workflows/benchmarks_upload.yaml@master
    secrets: inherit
      artifact: summary

In order to add benchmarking capabilities to your CI, copy the above YAMl snippet, you also need to customize the following parts:

  1. "Start the devenv" step. After the step, you should have a running web server or whatever you'd like to test, so that the k6 script can hit it. It may be something like docker-compose up -d, or equivalent, depending on what you're using and how your development environment looks like.

  2. The location and other parameters of the k6 script. It should be a path relative to the repository root. If you need that, you can set env key here and read the vars from the k6 script.

To change the trigger from /benchmark comment to every PR commit, you can:

  • Comment tags: - '*' from the on section.
  • Comment the if condition (if: ${{ github.ref_type == 'tag' || (gi....) from the k6 job.

Platform Outdated Dependencies Notifier

The Platform Outdated Dependencies Notifier action is a GitHub Action that notifies you when there are outdated dependencies in your project. Is compares helm chart versions in the repository where action is executed with the latest versions of those charts in our helm charts source repository. If case of any difference in versions, comment to PR with current/desired version is added.


name: Check Outdated Helm Charts
      - develop
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 3

    - name: Generate PiwikPRO access token to charts repo
      uses: PiwikPRO/github-app-token-generator@v1
      id: get-token
        private-key: ${{ secrets.REPOREADER_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        app-id: ${{ secrets.REPOREADER_APPLICATION_ID }}
        repository: PiwikPRO/Promil-helm-chart-repository-source

    - name: Compare chart versions
      uses: PiwikPRO/actions/platform-outdated-dependencies-notifier@master
        github-token-charts: ${{ steps.get-token.outputs.token }}
        github-token-platform: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}