CSGOEmpire AFK System with NodeJS

Easily delist all your items whenever you go AFK, and easily relist them whenever you're back.


  1. You need to have NodeJS installed.


  1. Clone the repository. This can be done in many ways, but the easiest way is to download the zip file and extract it.
  2. Execute the following command in the extracted folder in order to install the necessary dependencies: npm install
  3. Rename the .env.example file to .env and replace YOUR_API_KEY with your CSGOEmpire API key, which can be found here.


Going offline

Execute npm run offline or node src/index.js offline in the root folder.

Going online

Execute npm run online or node src/index.js online in the root folder. This will automatically relist all your items for the same custom percentage as they were previously listed for. If you wish to list them for the same price (rounded to the closest percentage) instead, you can execute npm run online -- --same-price or node src/index.js online --same-price instead.

Upgrade Guide

The updates should generally speaking not break anything, but it is still recommended to delete the state.json file and run npm install after upgrading. Note that this will remove any offline state you've saved, which is why we recommend being online when upgrading.