
Blazor WASM toolbox project for private use

Primary LanguageHTML


Web Toolbox built with Blazor WASM hosted on Azure Web App service.

Implemented Utilities

|   +---DhcpSearchList   : Encode/Decode DHCP Option 119
|   +---PacParse         : Parse Proxy Auto-Configuration File
|   +---BDPCalc          : BDP Calculator
|   +---ULAGen           : Generate IPv6 ULA subnet
|   +---VpnBuld          : VPN Profile XML Builder
|   +---WfpAnalyze       : WFP Log Analyze Helper
|   +---SecDescriptor    : Security Descriptor Tool
|   +---Base64Utils      : Encode/Decode Base64
|   +---RngUtils         : Generate Random Characters/Strings
|   +---DummyFileCreator : Create Dummy File filled with Random Data / FF / 00
|   +---HEXEH            : Binary data interpreter
    +---ArchiveReader    : Display images from a zip archive



  • Common/Dummy File Creator [Need File System Access API]
  • Common/HEXEH Frontend (HEX interpreter)
  • Common/HEX Editor (KzA.Blazor.HexDump)
  • Experimental/Archive Reader
  • Common/Dice

Under Consideration

  • Windows/Pbk to ProfileXML (Some binary data structures are not documented)
  • PCAP Creator (Online text2pcap with a GUI, probably difficult to implement)

Need Investigation

  • WASM Multithreading: Not Available for Blazor yet :(
  • Native(C/CPP) Library?