
My Linux xorg dotfiles/configs

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My Linux xorg dotfiles/configs. dotfiles-xorg is being merged with dotfiles-wayland!
WARNING: Do not clone directly to your home directory, this repo is not yet set up for that kind of usage!

Fix KDE Plasma 6 migration quirks

SDDM doesn't scale with my DPI!

Customize DPI through General.GreeterEnvironment in etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf. For example:

HaltCommand=/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff
RebootCommand=/usr/bin/systemctl reboot

Dark colors and custom accent color for Breeze QT6 doesn't work!

Open qt6ct, create a new custom color scheme, edit it, then simply hit Reset palette. A new color scheme with your correct color choices will magically be made... somehow. You need to Reset profile every time you make changes to your KDE color scheme though, so the values are synced.

Note that this issue doesn't happen in qt5ct, Qt5 color schemes are still applied correctly.

Firefox does not respect my Dolphin QT6CT settings when opening downloaded file!

Go to about:config, change widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.open-uri from 2 to 1.

Prism Launcher does not open folders correctly!

Remove XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE from .bash_profile

Dolphin themes don't load!

See [prasanthrangan/hyprdots#1999]

Potentially now unneeded environment variables


Wayland notes

For Discord, use the discord-electron by SunRed AUR package so screenshare works

Self notes for Catppuccin -> Nord migration


BSPC Normal Border Color: #3B4252 BSPC Focused Border Color: #EBCB8B


Foreground & Separator Color: #d8dee9 Selected Normal Foreground: #eceff4 Selected Normal Background & Selected Active Background: #434c5e Active Foreground: #88c0d0 Active Background: rgb(46, 52, 64) Selected Active Foreground: #ebcb8b Window Background Color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.94)


Background: #2e3440 Foreground: #d8dee9 Normal Frame Color: #88c0d0 Critical Frame Color: #bf616a


Background: #2e3440 Background Alt: #3b4252 Background Alt Brighter: #434c5e Foreground: #d8dee9 Primary: #ebcb8b Secondary: #88c0d0 Alert: #bf616a Disabled: #60728a