Exploit Protection Settings

ExploitProtectionSettings.xml is my Windows 10/11 Exploit Protection settings. They are based on a mixture of Microsoft recommendations, requirements from DoD STIGs, and customizations for my own use case.

This repository exists to get my exploit mitigations under version control and consistent across my endpoints. You're free to use these settings, but it is likely to break a lot of programs as I have it set as strict as possible for my use case, and added exceptions where I encounter issues. If you find a compatibility issue with common software, please submit an issue with the mitigation settings required to get it working.

Applying these settings on an endpoint

You can download and run Update-ExploitProtectionSettings.ps1 in PowerShell as an admin to automatically apply this policy. Run it again at any time to update the policy with any new changes posted here -- no need to install Git on the endpoint. To manually apply the settings, see the following section.

Applying exploit protection policies

The settings XML files found here can be applied via PowerShell with the following commands (as admin):

  1. Verify that the file is valid:
Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath .\ExploitProtectionSettings.xml -IsValid
  1. Apply the policy:ExploitProtectionSettings.xml
Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath .\ExploitProtectionSettings.xml

Note that applying settings using this method will not remove existing settings. However, existing settings that conflict with the applied settings will be overwritten.

Formatting XML files

I find it easier to read and maintain the XML files in the current format, but Get-ProcessMitigation writes the XML with all attributes on the same line. The following are ways you can put attributes on their own line in the XML files.

In PowerShell:

$settings = Get-Content .\ExploitProtectionSettings.xml
$settings -replace "([A-z`"]{1}) ([A-z]{1})", "`${1}`n      `${2}"

In Sublime Text:

In regex replace mode, replace this:

([A-z"]{1}) ([A-z]{1})

With this:



The table below provides a glossary of Process Mitigation-related terms and how they relate to each other throughout the different shells and interfaces.

Component XML / PowerShell Name Exploit Protection App Name Description
ASLR BottomUp Randomize memory allocations (Bottom-up ASLR) Randomize locations for virtual memory allocations.
ASLR HighEntropy Don't use high entropy
ASLR ForceRelocateImages Force randomization for images (Mandatory ASLR) Force relocation of images not compiled with /DYNAMICBASE.
ASLR RequireInfo Do not allow stripped images
BinarySignature MicrosoftSignedOnly Code integrity guard Only allow the loading of images to those signed by Microsoft.
BinarySignature AllowStoreSignedBinaries Also allow loading of images signed by Microsoft Store
BinarySignature EnforceModuleDependencySigning Validate image dependency integrity Enforces code signing for Windows image dependency loading.
CFG Enable Control flow guard (CFG) Ensures control flow integrity for indirect calls.
CFG StrictControlFlowGuard Use strict CFG
CFG SuppressExports (not visible)
Child Process DisallowChildProcessCreation Do not allow child processes Prevents programs from creating child processes.
DEP EmulateAtlThunks Enable ATL thunk emulation
DEP Enable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) Prevents code from being run from data-only memory pages.
DynamicCode (ACG) AllowThreadsToOptOut Allow thread opt-out
DynamicCode (ACG) BlockDynamicCode Arbitrary code guard (ACG) Prevents non-image backed code, and code page modifications.
ExtensionPoint DisableExtensionPoints Disable extension points Disables various extensibility mechanisms that allow DLL injection into all processes, such as windows hooks.
FontDisable DisableNonSystemFonts Block untrusted fonts Prevents loading any GDI-based fonts not installed in the system Fonts directory.
Heap TerminateOnError Validate heap integrity Terminates a process when heap corruption is detected.
ImageLoad BlockLowLabelImageLoads Block low integrity images Prevents loading of images marked with low-integrity.
ImageLoad PreferSystem32 (not visible)
ImageLoad BlockRemoteImageLoads Block remote images Prevents loading of images from remote devices.
Payload EnableExportAddressFilter Export address filtering (EAF) Detects dangerous exported functions being resolved by malicious code.
Payload EnableExportAddressFilterPlus Validate access for modules that are commonly abused by exploits.
Payload EnableImportAddressFilter Import address filtering (IAF) Detects dangerous imported functions being resolved by malicious code.
Payload EnableRopCallerCheck Validate API invocation (CallerCheck) Ensures that sensitive APIs are invoked by legitimate callers.
Payload EnableRopSimExec Simulate Execution (SimExec) Ensures that calls to sensitive functions return to legitimate callers.
Payload EnableRopStackPivot Validate stack integrity (StackPivot) Ensures that the stack has not been redirected for sensitive functions.
SEHOP Enable Validate exception chains (SEHOP) Ensures the integrity of an exception chain during dispatch.
SEHOP TelemetryOnly (not visible)
StrictHandle Enable Validate handle usage Raises an exception on any invalid handle references.
System Call DisableWin32kSystemCalls Disable Win32k system calls Stop programs from using the Win32k system call table.