
A demo app implementing custom charts using ECharts, Satori and Next.js route handler

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Echarts Satori

A demo app implementing custom charts using ECharts, Satori and Next.js route handler

1st Part - Setup Project

  1. Setup Next.js.
  2. Install packages echarts and echarts-for-react.
  3. Create a component for Echarts that accepts an chartOptions prop.
  4. Setup the Echart in the page route.

2nd Part - Download Chart

  1. Create a route handler at api/chart/route.ts that returns an SVG string of the chart.
  2. Implement a Download component that performs a POST request using the chartOptions.
  3. Convert the SVG string to either an SVG URI or PNG URI based on the use case.

3rd Part - Download Custom Chart

  1. Setup Satori:
  • Install package satori and intl-segmenter-polyfill.
  • Extend the global window interface with __resource typings.d.ts.
  • Add the font file using by satori to the public directory.
  1. Creaye a reactToSVG function that converts a React component to an SVG string satori
  2. Add a React Template to customize the chart ChartTemplate.
  3. Pass the template to Satori using reactToSVG to generate an SVG string of the customized chart.
  4. Convert the SVG string to a data URI and download it.

4th Part - Improvement

  1. Instead of returning an SVG string from route handler, you can return a data URI directly so that we can skip one function call.