Paint For Kids

A fancy colorful application to teach kids some drawing skills.

Table of Contents


This was the project of the "Programming Techniques" course at Cairo University, Computer Engineering Department.


A simple application that enables kids draw fancy shapes and also play some simple games with those shapes. The application helps a kid draw a number of figures, fill them with different colors, save and load a graph, and so on. The application provides a game playing mode to teach kids how to differentiate between figures’ types and colors.

Main Operations

The application supports 2 modes: draw mode and play mode. Each mode contains 2 bars: tool bar that contains the main operations of the current mode and status bar that contains any messages the application will print to the kid. The application supports the following operations (actions) in each mode. Each operation have an icon in the tool bar. The kid should click on the operation icon from the tool bar to choose it first, then give it its input(s) if needed.

How To Run

Using Visual Studio:

  1. Download all files on your local machine.
  2. Open "Paint-For-Kids" folder.
  3. Open "PaintForKids" folder.
  4. Open "PT-Project.sln" file, using Visual Studio.
  5. Run the code (F5).

How To Use

  • After running the project this interface will be shown:

Screenshot 2024-02-08 191655

  • You can select and draw any figure from the toolbar:

Screenshot 2024-02-08 191719

  • Any action can be chosen and applied from the toolbar:

Screenshot 2024-02-08 191826

  • You can switch to play mode and choose any game from the toolbar

Screenshot 2024-02-08 192012


Contributors in the project: