
Sviluppa una stazione meteorologica IoT ESP32 che recupera dati meteorologici in tempo reale tramite Wi-Fi da un'API come OpenWeatherMap. Visualizza temperatura, umidità e condizioni meteorologiche su un OLED. Abilita la registrazione dei dati nel cloud tramite Thingspeak.

Primary LanguageC++

Mini visualizzatore di dati meteo con ESP32 e display Oled

Basato sul lavoto di Rafiq191. https://github.com/Rafiq191/ESP32-Based-IoT-Weather-Station-Project-Wokwi-Simulation

Trovate il mio video dedicato sul mio canale Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@PixelsSquad


Develop an ESP32 IoT Weather Station that retrieves real-time weather data via Wi-Fi from an API like OpenWeatherMap. Display temperature, humidity, and weather conditions on an OLED. Enable cloud data logging via Thingspeak. Simulate using platforms like Tinkercad. Connect, display, and log weather data seamlessly.

Simulation Platform (Wokwi) Simulation Link: https://wokwi.com/projects/372431213829082113

View project: https://www.behance.net/gallery/178181637/ESP32-Based-IoT-Weather-Station-Project-in-Wokwi