
A bot that takes meme from various dev subreddits and posts it on Instagram. 🔥

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Instagram Meme Bot 🤖

A Bot that posts Meme from reddit to instagram.

Warning ⚠

Note: Never use this with your main account, I repeat NEVER!


Usage ✨

There are two ways to use it. One with cron jobs and other one is manually.

First of all, clone this repo on your Machine.

git clone https://github.com/PiyushSuthar/instagram-meme-bot.git

Now go into the cloned directory and install the Dependencies.

cd instagram-meme-bot && npm install

Dependencies Used:

Now, as I have mentioned above, there are two ways to use it.

Why? It's because I wanted to host it on Heroku and they provide cron jobs when you give them your credit card details. 😒

First check .env.example and make a .env file.


SECRET_PATH is for those who want to schedule cron jobs on Heroku with giving them your credit card details.

Here's what's my idea for you.

We will use express to schedule task on Heroku. How?

app.get(`/${process.env.SECRET_PATH}`, async (req,res)=>{
    // This is the main function imported from src/main.js
        await Main()
        res.send("Image Posted")
       } catch (err) {
        res.send(`There was some error, ${err}`)

And Now we will schedule a visit to this Secret Path using https://cron-job.org/. It's a free!

Quick Tip: Generate that secret path using a random password generator to make it difficult to guess.


Now if you manually want to try or use, just run this command

npm run test

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcomed ❤