The official github for IJCAI 2023 paper "Group Sparse Optimal Transport for Sparse Process Flexibility Design"
# via pip
pip install numpy scipy POT matplotlib
# via conda
conda install numpy scipy POT matplotlib
from GSOT import get_transport_plan,get_edges_from_plan
from GSOT import evaluate_net_profit,plot_network
import numpy as np
from utils import *
num_src=10 #M
num_dst= 10 #N
num_pairs=40 #K
#systhetic data
# generate training data
simulator = SystheticData(num_src=num_src, num_dst=num_dst,var = 0.3)
supply, demand=simulator.generate_pairs(num_pairs=num_pairs,seed=12)
train_demand, test_demand= simulator.generate_data(num_pairs=num_pairs,balan=True)
#real-world data
simulator = RealData(num_pairs=num_pairs)[:,:int(1/2*num_pairs)]
# get tranport_plan
plan = get_transport_plan(price=simulator.cost, supply=supply,
demand=train_demand,alpha=1,rho=2.5, balance=True)
# get designed edges from tranport_plan
edges = get_edges_from_plan(trans_plan=plan,max_num_edges=25)
# evaluate the profit achieved by the designed netwotk
values,net_profit = evaluate_net_profit(sorted_edges=edges, price=simulator.cost,
supply=supply, demand=test_demand)
print("GSOT profit:",net_profit)
#show the network structure
full_flex = np.unravel_index(np.argsort(simulator.cost, axis=None)[::-1], simulator.cost.shape)
full_edges = [[full_flex[0][k], full_flex[1][k] + num_src] for k in range(num_src * num_dst)]
full_edges = np.array(full_edges)
_,max_profit = evaluate_net_profit(full_edges,simulator.cost, supply, test_demand)
In this work, we have also implemented GSOT based on MindSpore 2.0.0. You can find the MindSpore-based implementation in the 'GSOT-mindspore' directory of this project.
MindSpore is an open-source deep learning framework developed by Huawei. It's designed to provide flexibility and scalability for machine learning and artificial intelligence model development.
Before using this version, please ensure you have MindSpore installed.
# install MindSpore
- Visit the MindSpore official website for the latest installation guide: MindSpore Installation Guide
- Choose the appropriate installation method based on your operating system and hardware configuration, as outlined in the official guide.
- Execute the selected installation steps according to the official guide.
For additional resources and documentation on using MindSpore, visit the official MindSpore website and documentation: