
This is a list of links to the FA125 course readings

Course readings

This repository was created so that students at Bob Jones University don't have to pay $30 for a textbook that is exclusively articles that other people wrote. The articles listed here are all from the January 2021 edition of the book.


If the book is updated, feel free to fork this repository and send me a PR.

Article links

  1. Jerry Solomon "Christians & Culture"
  1. Morris Weitz "Role of Theory in Aethetics"
  1. Albert Mohler "A Christian Vision of Beauty"
  1. Darren Hick "On art & Beauty"
  • Couldn't find it online but it's only one page so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  • The main point is that aesthetics =/= philosophy of art even though they are often lumped together
  1. Philip Graham Ryken "Art & the Church"
  1. Francis A. Schaeffer "Art and the Bible" (selections)
  • Original Pages 13-27, 49-57, 61, 75-76 (requires BJU login)
  • No archive available
  1. Jeanne Torrence Finley "Ministry and Art"