
PlaceOS service for defining reactive behaviours.

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT

PlaceOS Triggers

Build CI Changelog

PlaceOS service handling events and conditional triggers.



Environment Variables

  • SG_ENV = set to production for production log levels
  • SMTP_SERVER = hostname of the SMTP server for sending emails. i.e. smtp.example.com
  • SMTP_PORT = port to connect to the SMTP server
  • SMTP_USER = username if any required, will not authenticate if this is left blank
  • SMTP_PASS = password if required
  • SMTP_SECURE = left blank for clear text, SMTPS for a TLS connection, STARTTLS for negotiating TLS on an initial clear text connection
  • REDIS_URL = the redis connection string, defaults to redis://localhost:6379


Trigger state is exposed through the system like a regular module.

# Binding

This exposes the following data:

  "triggered": true / false,
  "trigger_count": 34,
  "action_errors": 2,
  "comparison_errors": 0,
  "conditions": {
    "comparison_1": true / false,
    "time_1": true / false