
This expansion allows checking if items are in the inventory of the target player

Primary LanguageJava



  • %checkitem_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>% - Returns if user has the item
  • %checkitem_amount_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>% - Returns amount of items the user has
  • %checkitem_remove_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>% - Removes the items from the players inventory - Can be used with amount, it just has to be after. (Ex. %checkitem_amount_remove_<...>%)
  • %checkitem_give_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>% - Gives the player an item. Returns yes if successful, returns amount of items NOT given if unsuccessful.
  • %checkitem_getinfo:<slot>_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>% - Returns information about an item in a slot. Returns information in the same order listed on this wiki. List is seperated via &r (Ex. %checkitem_getinfo:0_mat:)

- mainhand and offhand work in getinfo:<slot>
- give and remove placeholders are DISABLED by default. See PlaceholderAPI config.yml file to enable.


  • namecontains:<string>~
  • namestartswith:<string>~
  • nameequals:<string>*~
  • mat:<material>*~
  • amt:<integer>*~
  • data:<integer>*~
  • custommodeldata:<integer>*~
  • lorecontains:<string>~
  • loreequals:<string> (Separate lines with |)*~
  • matcontains:<string>
  • enchantments:<enchantment=lvl>;<enchantment> (=lvl is optional)*~
  • enchanted~
  • potiontype:<potiontype>*~
  • potionextended:<boolean>*`
  • potionupgraded:<boolean>*~
  • strict
  • inhand<:hand> (inhand will check both hands, you can add :main or :off to check specific hands)
  • inslot:<integer> Valid Slots
  • nbtstrings:<string>=<string>;<string>=<string>*~
  • nbtints:<string>=<integer>;<string>=<integer>*~

For nbt data you can use compounds by putting .. inside your string Example (%checkitem_nbtstrings:PublicBukkitValues..executableitems:ei-id=Free_Money%)*

Ex: %checkitem_mat:STONE,amt:1,data:2,nameequals:&6Test%

To use commas in strings, escape them with \ (Ex: nameequals:This\, is a test)

To use semicolon in lists, escape them with \ (Ex: nbtints:ae_enchantment\;mirror=1)

PAPI Placeholders work, you just need to put them in {} instead of %%

*Works with give placeholder.

~Works with the getinfo placeholder