
Tools for PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageC

PG Tools

Simple tool to solve problems for PostgreSQL


  • postgresql-libs
  • libconfig
  • gcc
  • cmake
  • make
  • linux-headers


Build default in container (required docker).

To build in locally:

git clone https://github.com/Placidina/pg_tools.git
cd pg_tools
mkdir build/
cd build/
cmake ../

Usage Locally

pgtools version: b66de8cdff390d7883b91113e2d5c957cfb1a72e
Usage: pgt [-?hvudc] 

  -?,-h               : this help
  -v                  : show version and exit
  -c                  : set configuration file

Available Modules

Name Description
transactions/idle Kill connections in idle in transactions

Module Transaction Idle Configurations

Name Type Description
enabled Bool Enable or disable Idle module
timeout Int Interval entry NOW() - state_change to kill transaction
session Bool Enable or disable to kill query SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED;
idle = {
	enabled = true;
	timeout = 60;
	session = false;