
A bot for looking at mods for ETG.

Primary LanguagePython

ETG Discord Bot

What does it do?

Currently, the bot has the capability to search the ETG mod workshop for mods.

What are the commands?

The prefix for the bot is etg: or etg!. Here is a full list of commands and their descriptions:

  • mods (aliases: mod, modlist, mod_list) -- displays a list of mods from the mod workshop which match the search criteria.

I get an error when I run it

  1. Make sure you have put your bot's token in the TOKEN variable in Discord.py.
  2. Check to see if you have discord.py installed; if you don't, run the command python -m pip install -U discord.py
  3. Check to see if you have BeautifulSoup installed; if you don't, run the command pip install beautifulsoup4
  4. Check to see if you have requests installed; if you don't, run the command pip install requests
  5. The discord.py API is not compatible with Python 3.7, make sure you are using an earlier version of Python.