
Source code for Albadil with some minor touchups. Note that this will not work on newer versions of Godot, since I made this in Godot v3.4.3

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Albadil Source Code

(date of release - March 3rd 2022) (date of source code release - March 7th 2023)

Well, it's been (checks Github repositories) over a year since the original "PolyHeck Remastered" was publicly opened source. PolyHeck 2 Remastered got the same treatment couple months after to celebrate PolyHeck's one year anniversary.

Since then, more games have been released in the "PolyHeck saga" (are we seriously going to call it that??). But if you actually payed fucking attention, you would know that none of them became open sourced. The simple answer to why I never did that is because... I didn't feel like it. Another reason, for Albadil's case specifically, it uses a third party plugin which makes Albadil show up on your Discord profile when playing, I didn't knew if I was allowed to open source Albadil alongside this code so I never did (of course, the simple solution to this is literally removing the plugin... me from one year ago is a fucking genius). And the final reason, I didn't feel proud of them.

So why am I publicly releasing the source code? Because I stopped caring to be honest.

Couple last things to note is that I have updated the code to improve upon some things like the walk speed. Also, I'm not including the Albadil "Chrome" version, its pretty much the same thing as the original Albadil. Anyways, do what you want with this and have fun!

Opening the source code

Well first, you need to download the repo itself... no shit... and then you need Godot to open the file. From then on, you have access to the entire game.


These are the controls. Keys can be changed in the "Project Settings"

Syntax Description
Moving up "^" & "W"
Moving down "v" & "S"
Moving Right ">" & "D"
Moving Left "<" & "A"
Attacking "Z", ";" & "K"


The only playable characters are "Shooterbot" and "Bunny". Shooterbot shoots out fast bullets while Bunny shoots out huge slashes from his sword. I'm pretty sure there's a way to add custom characters so uhh... yeah.


The only difficulties are Easy, Normal, and Hard. Each enemy has something changed about them (speed, health, shooting speed) depending on what the difficulty is at, so its entirely possible to tamper with their code and add a new difficulty.

Saving Score

I'm not even going to sugarcoat it, the way I handled the saving for scores in this game is fucking ass. Thats all im going to say about this section.


I'm pretty sure the only export method is Windows and HTML5. I think this can be ported to other devices though like Mac and Mobile devices as long as you modify the game.

I think that covers it all... Oh yeah uhh... I might release the source code to the other PolyHeck games. Yeah cool... you can leave now.