
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Plain Text Table

Interactively create and edit tables and export them to plain text.

Use the tool online

Please visit : http://plaintexttools.github.io/plain-text-table


  • Interactive input table (using handsontable)
  • Unicode or ASCII output
  • Flexible border configuration
  • Merged cell support (colspan and rowspan)
  • Multiline text in the cells
  • Text alignement support (horizontal and vertical)
  • Predefined style

All configuration options explained in the user manual.

Output examples

Unicode characters with multiline and merged cells:

║  Who?  ║ Code │  Monday   │ Tuesday │ Wednesday │ Thursday  │   Friday    ║
║ Team A ║   23 │          Proin id nunc          │ Fringilla │    Lorem    ║
║        ║      │                                 │           │    Ipsum    ║
║        ║      │           │  Ante   │                       │             ║
║ Team B ║    4 │ Fermentum │ Ipisum  │         Amet          │    Lyks     ║
║        ║      │           │ Primis  │                       │             ║
║ Team C ║   52 │ Metus ex  │  Dxow   │ Malesuada │           │ Ullamcorper ║
╟────────╫──────┼───────────┴─────────┼───────────┤ Vulputate ├─────────────╢
║ Team D ║   19 │       Ornare        │ Tincidunt │           │     Rwe     ║

Ascii characters with spreadsheet headers:

|   |   A    |     B     |   C   |  D  |
| 1 | Alice  | Johnson   |       | 293 |
| 2 | Bob    | Smith     | ????? |   2 |
| 3 | Carrie | Sheffield |   ?   |  42 |

Get in touch / bug tracker

Use the plain-text-table issue tracker on GitHub.


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