
ATC7 (Sistema de Clasificación Anatómica 7) spanish-english translations

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ATC7 codes Spanish-English translations

See our Zenodo mirror: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4556995

Cite our resource as:

  author       = {Gutiérrez-Fandiño, Asier and
                  Gonzalez-Agirre, Aitor and
                  Villegas, Marta},
  title        = {ATC7 codes Spanish-English translations},
  month        = feb,
  year         = 2021,
  note         = {{Funded by the Plan de Impulso de las Tecnologías 
                   del Lenguaje (Plan TL).}},
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v1.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.4556995},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4556995}