MultiSelect ListBox (Adding and Removing Items) - For Absolute Beginners!


This tutorial demonstrates multiselect property of listbox as well as how to add and remove items properly. Absolute beginners will surely grasp this concept easily.

More Info

Submitted On 2002-05-14 00:24:56
Level Beginner
User Rating 4.8 (19 globes from 4 users)
Compatibility VB 6.0
Category Custom Controls/ Forms/ Menus
World Visual Basic
Archive File

Source Code

Download the file and run it! In the meantime here's the code....
' Very Basic tutorial on multi-select property of listbox, how to add and remove items from it
' To add items to a list box, use "AddItem" method (See the form's Load event for an example)
' To Remove an item from list box, use "RemoveItems" method (see the command button's click event)
'  Multi-Select property of list box
'  0 - Mone   -> No multiselection feature, you can only select one item (this is the default)
'  1 - Simple  -> you can multiselect by clicking an item, and deselecting, by clicking also (see lstThing object)
'  2 - Extended -> Multiselect by combining mouse-click with either SHIFT key or CTRL     (see lstItems object)
' This is intended for absolute beginners.
' If you find this useful, please vote.
' thanks and if you have questions, just contact me.
' my email :
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
  Dim intSelect As Integer  ' declare a variable representing the index of the listbox
  intSelect = 0        ' of course, set it to 0, the starting point of its index value
                ' it's ok if you dont assign values, it will be set to its default value, which is 0
                ' but its always a good programming practice to assign values to a variable
  ' Loop inside the list box and test the item if it is selected
  While intSelect < (lstThings.ListCount)
    If lstThings.Selected(intSelect) = True Then
      lstItems.AddItem lstThings.List(intSelect)
      lstThings.RemoveItem intSelect
      intSelect = intSelect + 1  ' increment this by one, so we can move on the the next item in the list
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
  Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRemove_Click()
  Dim intSelect As Integer  ' declare a variable representing the index of the listbox
  intSelect = 0        ' of course, set it to 0, the starting point of its index value
                ' it's ok if you dont assign values, it will be set to its default value, which is 0
                ' but its always a good programming practice to assign values to a variable
  ' Loop inside the list box and test the item if it is selected
  While intSelect < (lstItems.ListCount)
    If lstItems.Selected(intSelect) = True Then
      lstThings.AddItem lstItems.List(intSelect)   'it is important to add the items first to the other listbox
                              ' otherwise, it will add the wrong value!
      lstItems.RemoveItem intSelect          ' then remove it from the original list box
      intSelect = intSelect + 1  ' increment this by one, so we can move on the the next item in the list
    End If
' note that we can not use FOR Loop here because if we remove an
' item from the listbox, the listcount acually decreases by one,
' therefore making the FOR value inconsistent with the index.
' you may want try it, if want to experiment.
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
  'Center the form
  Top = (Screen.Height - ScaleHeight) / 2
  Left = (Screen.Width - ScaleWidth) / 2
  ' Make sure that the SORTED Property of the list box is set to true, and the
  ' MULTISELECTED Property set to 2 - Extended, meaning you can multiselect by holding down SHIFT or CTRL key
  ' because you can't assign values to these properties at run time
  ' The other list box, named lstThings, has a multiselect property of 1 - Simple
  ' you'll know the difference between 1 and 2 once you run the program.
  'Initialize Items listbox
  With lstItems
    .AddItem "CPU"
    .AddItem "Monitor"
    .AddItem "Mouse"
    .AddItem "KeyBoard"
    .AddItem "Printer"
    .AddItem "Scanner"
  End With
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) ' this is a pretty straight-forward thing
  Dim intEx As Integer
  intEx = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to exit?", vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1, "Exit")
  If intEx = vbYes Then    ' vbYes is a VB constant that has an integer equivalent
                ' that's the reason why we declared intEx as integer
    Cancel = 1       ' set this to true so the form won't exit
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtAddItem_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then      ' <ENTER> Key was pressed
  If Trim(txtAddItem.Text) <> "" Then   ' check if textbox is empty
    lstItems.AddItem txtAddItem.Text  ' if not, add it to listbox
    txtAddItem.Text = ""        ' and set the textbox empty for another item
    MsgBox "Unable to add empty item.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Add"
  End If
End If
End Sub