Page designer


This code is very good,it is a wysiwyg web page designer,you can add your text,images,lines or html code on any part on the page and the the page on the program format or export it to html,I 've use the wysiwyg code that someone 've alreay posted to save html but all the other code is mine it is very cool sample with very sample code,you can make image maps,and forms,and the program 've the ability to open pictures online on a listview box and add it to your page,for more information about the sample features visit my page at:,try it.

More Info

Submitted On 1999-09-01 03:04:20
By Mostafa Mohamed
Level Unknown
User Rating 2.3 (7 globes from 3 users)
Compatibility VB 5.0, VB 6.0
Category Internet/ HTML
World Visual Basic
Archive File