
A nice selfbot for discord

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Better view
  2. Download
  3. Description
  4. Installation
  5. Token
  6. Commands
  7. Annotations
  8. Creating your own extension


A nice selfbot for discord


For installation you will need

  • Python latest (v3.5+) MAKE SURE TO ADD TO PATH


  • Then just download and extract the bot, the rest will be automatically done.


How to get your token: On Discord App:

  1. Press ctrl/cmd+shift+i
  2. Press the 2 arrows next to each other in the top. (https://cdn.impulsebot.com/RUQzKW71Yz.png)
  3. Click 'Application'. (https://cdn.impulsebot.com/xrU5OwDIxu.png)
  4. Click 'Local Storage'. (https://cdn.impulsebot.com/Yc20dD5Igu.png)
  5. Click whatever URL you can see there. (https://cdn.impulsebot.com/StsccmaCHU.png)
  6. Double click 'token'. (https://cdn.impulsebot.com/kdtDPvDeGi.png)
  7. Press ctrl/cmd+c.
  8. When pasting it is not required to remove the double quotes, but you can. On Discord Website: The same as above but you press F12 (above the backspace) instead of ctrl/cmd+shift+i.


  • [p]help Shows all the commands and help for them.
  • [p]restart Restarts the bot.
  • [p]boobs Shows some boobs.
  • [p]ass Shows some ass.
  • [p]say Let's the bot say something.
  • [p]server owner Shows the server owner.
  • [p]server name Shows the server name.
  • [p]server sid Shows the server id.
  • [p]server channelname Shows the channelname.
  • [p]server cid Shows the channel id.
  • [p]server time Shows the server time.
  • [p]server roles Shows the server roles.
  • [p]server emojis Shows the server emojis.
  • [p]server users Shows the server users.
  • [p]server channels Shows the server channels.
  • [p]server compareids Compares the id of the server and the channel to see if it's default.
  • [p]server icon Shows the server icon.
  • [p]server info Shows all information of the server.
  • [p]server channelinfo Shows all information of the channel.
  • [p]server membercount Counts all the members in the server.
  • [p]server rolecount Counts all the roles of the server.
  • [p]server emojicount Counts all the emojis of the server.
  • [p]server userinfo [user] Shows information for a user, if None given it shows yours.
  • [p]server roleinfo <role> Shows information for a role.
  • [p]download <download_url> Downloads a file and puts it in the bots root folder so you don't have to.
  • [p]mentionmsg <msg> Sets the message that the bot should send if you get mentioned.
  • [p]whitelist add <user_id> Adds a user to the whitelist so they can use your selfbot too!
  • [p]whitelist remove <user_id> Removes a user from the whitelist so they can't use your selfbot anymore.
  • [p]lenny Prints out a lenny face.
  • [p]shrug Shrugs.
  • [p]shutdown Shuts down the bot.
  • [p]name <name> Sets the bots name.
  • [p]greentext <text> Prints out a green text.
  • [p]orangetext <text> Prints out an orange text.
  • [p]bluetext <text> Prints out a blue text.
  • [p]lmgtfy <search_quary> Gives a lmgtfy link.
  • [p]navyseal Navyseal copypasta.
  • [p]edgyshit Edgyshit copypasta.
  • [p]goodshit Goodshit copypasta.
  • [p]appache Attack helicopter copypasta.
  • [p]daddy Daddy and me copypasta.
  • [p]4chan Found it on 4chan copypasta.
  • [p]triggered The triggered meme.
  • [p]setprefix Changes the prefix of the bot.
  • [p]flirting101 The flirting101 copypasta.
  • [p]setinvite <invite> Sets the invite link to spam for
  • [p]spaminvite <times> Spams the invite link of your server.
  • [p]spaminvitedm <message> Sends the invite link of your server to everyone in the server where this command was sent to.
  • [p]discrim <discrim_number> Tells you all the people you can see with the discrim you gave.
  • [p]emoteurl <emote_name> Gives you an url for the given CUSTOM emote.
  • [p]genbotoauth <bot_name> Generates an oauth url for the given bot, names no mentions.
  • [p]genoauth <id> Generates an oauth url for the given id.
  • [p]calc <problem> Calculates a math problem so you don't have to.
  • [p]avatar <user_name> Shows the avatar of the given user, names no mentions.
  • [p]mentionmode <mode> Sets the mention mode (legit or fast)
  • [p]convert <file_url> Converts stuff like mp3, mp4, png to anything you like.
  • [p]ascii <text> Converts text to ascii.
  • [p]penis <user_name> Tells you how long someone's penis is, 100% accurate.
  • [p]shorten <url> Shortens a long url using bit.ly.
  • [p]ping Pong!
  • [p]qrcode <url> Makes a qr code of a url.
  • [p]uptime Shows the uptime.


[] = optional.

<> = needed.

[p] = the prefix you set.


So you want to make your own extension?

Well that's pretty easy, all you need to begin with is this:

import discord
import __main__ as main

class myextension:
    """My custom extension that does stuff!"""
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
    async def on_message(self, message):
        msgchan = message.channel
        if await main.command(message, "hi", True):
            await main.say(msgchan, "Hi!")
        elif await main.command(message, "Hello", True):
            await main.say(msgchan, "Hello!")
def setup(bot):

This will let the bot say "Hi" when you do [p]hi and "Hello!" when you do [p]hello.

Save this as myextension.py in the extensions folder of your bot, then load it with [p]load myextension.

Adding the commands to the help command

If you want to add the commands that you made you would just have to put

main.cmds['your_extension_name'] = {'command_one': {'help': 'What is this command for?', 'usage': 'how to use?'},
                                    'command_two': {'help': 'What is this command for?', 'usage': 'how to use?'}}

Under __init__

For example, with the extension I just made you would have to put there:

main.cmds['myextension'] = {'hi': {'help': 'Let\'s the bot say hi!', 'usage': 'hi'},
                            'hello': {'help': 'Let\'s the bot say hello!', 'usage': 'hello'}}

So the end result should look like:

import discord
import __main__ as main

class myextension:
    """My custom extension that does stuff!"""
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        main.cmds['myextension'] = {'hi': {'help': 'Let\'s the bot say hi!', 'usage': 'hi'},
                                   'hello': {'help': 'Let\'s the bot say hello!', 'usage': 'hello'}}
    async def on_message(self, message):
        msgchan = message.channel
        if await main.command(message, "hi", True):
            await main.say(msgchan, "Hi!")
        elif await main.command(message, "Hello", True):
            await main.say(msgchan, "Hello!")
def setup(bot):