
Source code for my Grafana metrics

Primary LanguagePython


Source code of my metrics scripts for Grafana.

Instruments used:


Honestly just because I could.
The Pi is used for multiple things (like hosting some of my sites), not just metrics. The metrics, however, are mostly for fun.


For obvious reasons, there are some secret constants in this project, these are stored in a file in the root directory named creds.py which looks like this:

DB_USER = "grafana-write"
DB_PASS = "password"
DB_HOST = "localhost"
DB_NAME = "grafana"

CF_API_KEY = "key" # CurseForge API key: https://console.curseforge.com/?#/api-keys

SHELLY_IP = "ip" # IP address of the Shelly Plug S
SHELLY_AUTH = "base64 encoded username:password"

OWM_API_KEY = "key" # OpenWeatherMap API key: https://home.openweathermap.org/api_keys
LAT = "latitude" # Home latitude, from Google Maps
LON = "longitude" # Home longitude, from Google Maps


Every module has its own table, so here's a table of all tables:

Module Table Query
CF Downloads cf_downloads CREATE TABLE cf_downloads (time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), downloads int(11) DEFAULT NULL, KEY time (time))
CO2 co2 CREATE TABLE co2 (time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), co2 int(11) NOT NULL, KEY time (time))
Humitemp humitemp CREATE TABLE humitemp (time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), temperature float DEFAULT NULL, humidity float DEFAULT NULL, KEY time (time))
Pi Temp pi_temp CREATE TABLE pi_temp (time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), temp float NOT NULL, KEY time (time))
Weather weather CREATE TABLE weather (time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), description text NOT NULL, temp float NOT NULL, feels_like float NOT NULL, temp_min float NOT NULL, temp_max float NOT NULL, pressure smallint(6) NOT NULL, humidity tinyint(4) NOT NULL, wind_speed float NOT NULL, wind_angle smallint(6) NOT NULL, clouds tinyint(4) NOT NULL, icon char(3) NOT NULL, sunrise timestamp NOT NULL, sunset timestamp NOT NULL, timezone smallint(6) NOT NULL, KEY time (time))
Power power CREATE TABLE power (time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), power_use float NOT NULL, used float NOT NULL, KEY time (time))