Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lJBY_gI=/ Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/EZv0rNiCrOf1poqVGIKLj4/Garden-Planner


-Plant Plans allows users to create and save 5x5 garden grids, allowing them to plan a garden with helpful info such as ideal soil pH and sun for each plant. 
-There are three charts:
 1) The harvest chart demonstrates ideal planting and harvesting time for each plant.
 2) The habits chart tells you whether the plants in your garden are shrubs, vines, herbs, etc.
 3) The country of origin plant is allows users to see where their plants generally come from
 -Enjoy planting your garden!


Header Nav

-HTML "Logo" on L, Nav bar on R w/ create garden, garden setup, garden, chart
    - Culi's function

Create Garden Page (Home)

0) <Header> above with app name and nav
1) List of gardens user may have already created
    - Clicking a garden will redirect to garden setup page.
    - button (to clear garden already created) 
2) Create garden input field 
    - button (to create that garden)

0) onLoad() - load existing gardens
1) javascript saves inputted garden name(s) into localStorage
2) If you select an existing garden, redirect to the garden page (bypass setup)

Setup Garden Page

0) <Header> above with app name and nav
1) Loads default if new garden, or saved garden data if saved
    - Input with garden name already loaded (from create garden page)
    - Garden avatar beside garden name
    - Choose from preset location (determines things TBD)
2) Create Garden button 
    - redirects to Garden Page

0) onLoad() - load default if new garden, or saved garden data if saved
1) allow user to rename garden 
    - check to be unique
2) Auto generate cute garden avatar icon
3) select element for dropdown locations
4) select element for soil type dropdown
5) button eventListener

Garden Page

0) <Header> above with app name and nav
1) Load selected garden
    - 5x5 grid - *how is this implemented?
    - When plant is selected, grid background changes to ideal pH color (HSL)
    - Plant portrait has unicode icon with related color to plant
        - like, tree, flower, etc
    - L-Click may be a container with display grid that has form data
2) Link below to chart

1) On click change grid plant choice and soil choice
    -hover pointer finger

Chart Page

0) <Header> above with app name and nav
1) <canvas> for chart and script tag w/ link to install 
2) Displays when you should plant and harvest
3) ideal pH range
4) Ability to change data to show?

1) Timeline Chart
    - options stored in variables to change data sets
    - We want to allow user to choose that reflects ideal harvest time
        - If I plant on this date, when can I see vegetable

About Us Page

0) <header> with app name and nav
1) Table: 
    - Portrait or avatar in L TD
    - Blurb in R TD
    - Austin, Annaleigh, Casey, Clem, Culi

Local Storage

-Gardens (3)
    - name (unique)
    - avatar
    - location
    - row arrays: each row array contains (5) box objects 
        - plant object

Plant Data Model

- ideal plant and harvest date
- pH
- Habit determinds plant icon (flower, tree, bush, grass, etc...)
- more...