
analyst of trees in NYC

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


NYC has committed to having 1 million trees throught this public private initiative. Trees have some many benifits, chief among them: the sequester carbon, filter air pollution, provide shadema adn have roots taht prevent erosion.

NYC conducts a tree census to moniotr its progress. This dataset will analyze the data in the 2015 Tree Census.

Trees: Kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/new-york-city/ny-2015-street-tree-census-tree-data https://www.nycgovparks.org/trees/treescount

Trees: NYC open data https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Environment/2015-Street-Tree-Census-Tree-Data/uvpi-gqnh


API Endpoint https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/5rq2-4hqu.json https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/uvpi-gqnh.json More Info on Census


Tree Census Summary Third street tree census 2,241 volunteers Number of Trees: 666,134 City Blocks: 131,488 Volunteers completed 34 percent of the census Park trees are not included in the cesus

Data Dictionary https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Environment/2015-Street-Tree-Census-Tree-Data/uvpi-gqnh tree_dbh Diameter of the tree, measured at approximately 54" / 137cm above the ground curb_loc Location of tree bed in relationship to the curb steward Indicates the number of unique signs of stewardship observed for this tree guards Indicates whether a guard is present, and if the user felt it was a helpful or harmful guard sidewalk Indicates whether one of the sidewalk flags immediately adjacent to the tree was damaged, cracked, or lifted root_stone Indicates the presence of a root problem caused by paving stones in tree bed root_grate Indicates the presence of a root problem caused by metal grates in tree bed root_other Indicates the presence of other root problems trunk_wire Indicates the presence of a trunk problem caused by wires or 10. rope wrapped around the trunk trnk_light Indicates the presence of a trunk problem caused by lighting installed on the tree trnk_other Indicates the presence of other trunk problems brch_light Indicates the presence of a branch problem caused by lights (usually string lights) or wires in the branches brch_shoe Indicates the presence of a branch problem caused by sneakers in the branches brch_other Indicates the presence of other branch problems postcode Five-digit zipcode in which tree is located community board Community board in which tree point is located borocode Code for borough in which tree point is located: 1 (Manhattan), 2 (Bronx), 3 (Brooklyn), 4 (Queens), 5 (Staten Island) cncldist Council district in which tree point is located st_assem State Assembly District in which tree point is located st_senate State Senate District in which tree point is located boro_ct This is the boro_ct identifyer for the census tract that the tree point falls into latitude Latitude of point, in decimal degrees longitude Longitude of point, in decimal degrees x_sp X coordinate, in state plane, in feet y_sp Y coordinate, in state plane, in feet

Some Key Findings from my analysis:

  • There are 683788 trees in the 2015 Tree Census
  • There are 101390 blocks in the 2015 Tree Census
  • There are 132 tree species in the 2015 Tree Census


Tree status by boro

After some initial EDA I selected 15 out of the original 41 I would use and also filtered for trees that were alive.


The species London Planetree is most frequent across the entire dataset and with the greatest amount in brooklyn. Since we are just coming out of cherry blossom season - queens has the most cherry trees

Queens has the most trees over all the boros image

I live in the zip code with the most trees in manhattan image

Phase 2 of this project

  • will compare an earlier tree census with the 2015 and compare growth rate of trees by boro and zip

Phase 3 of this project will incorporate census data related to population and income