
The Helios simulation system is a versatile modeling framework that handles tasks such as managing geometry and associated data structures through a C++ API. Plug-ins build off of the Helios core engine, and access the geometry and data via the Helios context. The sytem comes with a visualization plug-in that can produce stunning renderings of model geometry and data with relatively little effort.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Build and Run on Linux Build and Run on Windows Build and Run on MacOS


For complete documentation of this software, please consult https://baileylab.ucdavis.edu/software/helios, or open the file doc/html/index.html in a web browser.

Helios is a C++ library for 3D physical simulation of plant and environmental systems. It can generate and manipulate plant and other geometric objects, which can feed into biophysical model plug-ins such as radiation transfer, photosynthesis, and evapotranspiration, among others.

In order to build and compile the core library, you will need to install a C/C++ compiler (recommended are the GNU C compilers version 7.0+), and CMake. In order to run many of the model plug-ins, you will need to install NVIDIA CUDA 10.2+, and a GPU with compute capability 5.0+. The software has been tested on Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms. The YouTube channel linked above has a number of tutorials for getting started.

Almond Reconstruction