Plantr - Marketing Site


  • Plantr is a web and mobile application for connecting permaculture experts with homeowners who'd like to use their services.
  • This directory contains the marketing pages for Plantr, including Home (Landing Page), About, Contact, and Support pages.

Deployed Site

The site is currently live at []


  • React
  • React-Bootstrap
  • GSAP


  • Home
    • Overview of Plantr and available features
  • About
    • Look more in-depth into where Plantr came from and what Plantr's goals are
    • "Meet-the-team" carousel with pictures and descriptions of team members
  • Contact
    • Built-in contact form to send a message to the Plantr Team
    • Phone, email, socials all listed
  • Support
    • Carousel displaying some of the items available for purchase with a link to the Teespring site
    • A button linking to Plantr's Patreon so that people can donate.

Future Features

  • Features Page
    • Guilds
      • Talks about what Guilds are and how to get involved
    • Map
    • Messaging
  • Contact
    • Backend handling contact form
  • Site Map
    • Add more to site map and edit links
  • Responsive
    • Edit the carousels and other components to implement mobile design

Dev Team