
Gulp/Bower boilerplates for html5 applications

Primary LanguageCSS


Gulp/Bower boilerplates for html5 applications. Requires node.js installed.

Options available

There are a few branches to this project corresponding to multiple configurations for your application.

  • master only brings bower, a sass compiler, and starts you off with normalize.css
  • coffee brings everything from master, plus the ability to compile javascript and coffeescript
  • backbone brings everything from coffee, includes Backbone and jQuery to bower.json
  • bourbon/neat brings everythign from coffee, but also includes bourbon and neat in your css pipeline
  • backbone-bourbon/neat merges backbone and bourbon/neat

Developping with html5-boilerplate

Setting up your tools

$ git clone https://github.com/Plaristote/html5-boilerplate.git my-html5-application
$ cd my-html5-application
$ rm -Rf .git # you'll probably want to make your own repository
$ npm install


Gulp will compile your scss and javascript/coffee files as you code. Make sure to always have a gulp process running while you code:

$ gulp

If you made changes while gulp wasn't running, use the recompile task.

$ gulp recompile


The coffee and bourbon/neat branches come with a testing environment, using jasmine and phantomjs. You may write your unit tests in javascript or coffeescript in the spec/src directory.

In order to run your specs, go to the spec directory and run the gulp tests command. You may also simply launch the default task, and your tests will run whenever a change in the application source or in your tests is detected.