- aaronyicongfuGeorgia Institute of Technology
- aezaqiel
- AlfredXiaSF
- alpxp
- christhekeele@waypointbuilding
- cnuehren
- dakalts
- dboeckenhoff
- ddudt
- DexterMorgenShanghai Jiaotong University
- dpanici
- f0uriest
- henrylao
- hsxieCCF-ENN
- IlyaOrsonImperial College London
- joglekara@ergodicio @pasteurlabs
- jokteur
- jonathanschillingMax-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics
- K41-53Princeton University
- krystophnyGraz University of Technology
- lazersosUnited States
- leebr48
- lucasgrjnX, Google
- Mandelbr0tIPP
- munechika-koyoITER Organization
- overshikiShanghai
- PlatinumMike
- PrometheusPiHZDR @ComputationalRadiationPhysics
- RBenallal
- StanczakDominikInstitute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion
- szhou412
- theo-brownUnited Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
- uco-physics
- yopology
- zhucaoxiangUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- zwghit