
A website for my sister, a playwright in New York

Primary LanguageHTML


A responsive website for my sister, a playwright in New York.

Project site using HTML, CSS and JS.

Uses Bootstrap 4 template for styling and MongoDB for data.

Dependencies and packages used (npm install ...):

  • express
  • pug
  • nodemon
  • mongoose
  • async

Everything below was installed through npm: express website skeleton creator (express [name] --view=pug)

  • body-parser
  • cookie-parser
  • debug
  • morgan
  • serve-favicon
To update dependencies: 'npm outdated' and 'npm install package-name --save OR --save-dev'

How to test...


  • Install mongoose : https://www.npmjs.com/package/mongoose
  • Run cmd as administrator
  • "cd %Mongo%" - Create a environmental variable to change directory to your MongoDB folder.
  • "net start MongoDB" or "net stop MongoDB"
  • type 'node populateEmail mongodb-url-pw:port' to insert dummy emails for testing.
  • databaseTest - localhost:3000/emails : for all emails in list.

Site Display:

  • "npm start" in terminal - Runs main.js

Current Goal: Do the same thing for articles as done with emails (test input, database)

DATABASE: Input an email into the test database and retrieve the email. Then make it work for articles.

  • POST data into mongodb url.
  • GET data from mongodb url (Implemented as databaseTest)

WEBSITE DESIGN: Replace Logo. (Ask for Logo) | Format error page. | Add in works pages | Prevent Subscription input from inputting false emails.


  1. Implement Media, put in photos and film.
  2. Implement Works, input data and test.
  3. Better Calendar or Calendar page of events. (or omit completely)
  4. In-app editor, for site admins to use to create, update and delete articles/media.
  5. Test an article object from database and show it in index.pug
  6. Use AJAX/Grails(Java) for avoiding refreshing the whole page upon post request.