VPN WiFi Switch

A switch to indicate VPN (or any other MQTT device) status. Works with Adafruit Feather Huzzah.


  • Adafruit Feather Huzzah
  • 3x 270 Ohm resistors (through hole recommended)
  • 1 RGB LED (can use 3 LEDS or be adapted for one LED)
  • 1 Switch (With missile cover for VPN)
  • 1 Switch (For Power/LED toggle)
  • A router with OpenWRT or other MQTT broker

Requirements and Prereqs

  • 802.11n/g WiFi network (AC not supported)
  • MQTT broker running on local network (Mosquitto recommended)
  • VPN Service running on MQTT broker/network gateway
  • MQTT-Launcher.py or other MQTT->Script system

MQTT Broker Setup

Setup Mosquitto Openwrt: opgk install mosquitto

Hardware assembly

ToDo: This

Printing the case

ToDo: This


Set your WiFi credentials, and update the IP/hostname of your MQTT Broker. Compile and upload to the Feather Huzzah

OpenWRT setup

The basic setup uses an OpenVPN config that it disables/enables, while using a symlink'd pair of firewall profiles. Files are included in the Openwrt directory.


Contribute any bugfixes back please! Otherwise it's yours to do what you like with.