= Observables Observables implements observable arrays and hashes by way of the ActiveModel::Notifier, the same mechanism underlying the instrumentation API in Rails3. Observables collections broadcast detailed change information for any state-modifying operations, including specific elements added or removed, when that information is practically obtainable. == Installation Observables is available as a RubyGem: gem install observables == Observing the Observables === Example: #Getting an observable array ary = [1,2,3] #or, ary = Observables::Array.new([1,2,3]), or, hsh = Observables::Hash ary.observable? # => false ary.can_be_observable? # => true ary.make_observable => #<Class:#<Array:0x56a84a8>> #Setting up a subscription subscription = ary.subscribe do |change_type,args| puts "Change type: #{change_type}" puts "Trigger: #{args.trigger}" puts "Changes: #{args.changes.inspect}" puts "---" end #Do stuff ary << 3 # Change type: before_added # Trigger: << # Changes: {:added=>[3]} # --- # Change type: after_added # Trigger: << # Changes: {:added=>[3]} # => [1,2,3,3] #Clean up ary.unsubscribe(subscription) ary << 4 # => [1,2,3,3,4] #Only listen to after_xxx subscription = ary.subscribe(/after/) do |change_type,args| puts "Change type:#{change_type}, changes: #{args.changes}" end ary.concat([9,10,11]) # Change type: after_added, changes: {:added=>[9,10,11]} # => [1,2,3,3,4,9,10,11] ary.replace([3,2,1]) #Change type: after_modified, changed: {:added=>[3,2,1], :removed=>[1,2,3,3,4,9,10,11]} # => [3,2,1] #Hashes work too hsh = {:a=>:b} hsh.can_be_observable? # => true hsh.make_observable hsh.subscribe { |type,args| ... } == Special case: ownership Observables was created to assist in the implementation of proper dirty tracking for in-place modifications to embedded collections in ORM's, particularly for documented oriented databases, where this is a common situation. In this scenario and similar scenarios, observable collections will only be subscribed to by the object that owns them. However, the parent object may own any number of child collections. To avoid having to manage myriad subscription objects, each observable collection can have a single 'observer' - and will manage the subscription to that observer like so: class Owner def my_array @my_array end def my_array=(new_array) @my_array.clear_observer if @my_array @my_array = new_array.tap {|a|a.make_observable} @my_array.set_observer(self, :pattern=>/before/, :callback_method=>:my_array_before_change) #Acceptable alernatives are: # @my_array.set_observer { |sender,type,args| ... } # @my_array.set_observer(self, :pattern=>/before/) { |sender,type,args| ... } end def my_array_before_change(sender,type,args) #sender == @my_array #do something interesting, like, say, attribute_will_change!(:my_array) end end == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Nathan Stults. See LICENSE for details.