Getting Started with Avalon

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This project was bootstrapped with Avalon.

Project Structure

├── of your project.
├── docker..............................................................Dockerfiles to execute commands (Use them via scripts).
│   ├── build.Dockerfile................................................Dockerfile used to execute to compile the project using TypeScript.
│   ├── ci.Dockerfile...................................................Dockerfile used for the CI step.
│   ├── format.Dockerfile...............................................Dockerfile used run prettier.
│   ├── install.Dockerfile..............................................Dockerfile used to install the node_modules of the project.
│   ├── release.Dockerfile..............................................Dockerfile used for the CD step.
│   ├── start-development.Dockerfile....................................Dockerfile used to compile to compile the project using TypeScript and watch for changes.
│   ├── test.Dockerfile.................................................Dockerfile used to execute the test runner.
│   └── watch-tests.Dockerfile..........................................Dockerfile used to execute the test runner and watch for changes.
├── library
│   ├── LICENSE.........................................................Software License.
│   ├── jest.config.js..................................................Test runner configuration.
│   ├── package.json....................................................Defines name, version and project dependencies.
│   ├── source..........................................................Actual library source code.
│   │   ├── environment.d.ts............................................Global typings.
│   │   └── index.ts....................................................Source code entrypoint.
│   ├── test............................................................Tests directory.
│   │   └── index.test.ts
│   ├── tsconfig.json...................................................TypeScript compiler configuration.
│   └── tsconfig.production.json........................................TypeScript compiler configuration for release.
├── .avaloncli.json.....................................................Avalon CLI configuration file. Contains metadata about the artifact (Internal).
├── .gitignore..........................................................Filters out unnecesary files from your Git commits.
└── scripts.............................................................Bash scripts used to interact with the codebase. It uses the docker directory files under the hood.
    ├── to build the project.
    ├── to build and test the project during the CI step.
    ├── to format the project.
    ├── to install the project.
    ├── to release the project during the CD step.
    ├── to start development.
    ├── to tests.
    └── to watch tests.


Installs the library dependencies (AKA your node_modules):

bash ./scripts/

alternatively you can run the script using the Avalon CLI:

avalon install

Using npm

Runs npm commands:

bash ./scripts/

alternatively you can run the script using the Avalon CLI:

avalon npm [NPM_ARGUMENTS]


Compiles your source code using the 🧙‍♂️ TypeScript compiler and re-compiles on changes:

bash ./scripts/

alternatively you can run the script using the Avalon CLI:

avalon develop


Executes the 🃏 Jest test runner:

bash ./scripts/

alternatively you can run the script using the Avalon CLI:

avalon test

Note: 💡 You can use a custom test file path as well:

bash ./scripts/ tests/some-test.spec.ts
avalon test tests/some-test.spec.ts

Watch Tests

Executes the 🃏 Jest test runner and watches for changes:

bash ./scripts/watch-tests

alternatively you can run the script using the Avalon CLI:

avalon watch-tests


Formats your source code using 💅 Prettier:

bash ./scripts/

alternatively you can run the script using the Avalon CLI:

avalon format


Compiles your source code using the 🧙‍♂️ TypeScript compiler:

bash ./scripts/

alternatively you can run the script using the Avalon CLI:

avalon build

Note: 💡 The scripts for CI ( and Release( are meant to be used via GitHub actions.

Git Hooks

Git hooks are a mean to fire off custom scripts when certain important actions occur while performing 🌳 Git actions. Git hooks are located in the .git/hooks where each file represents a different hook.

Avalon sets up two client-side hooks:

  • pre-commit: Will format files before git commit.
  • pre-push:
    • Will prevent any git push action to master/main/dev branches.
    • Will format files before git push.


CI/CD is a modern software development practice in which incremental changes are made frequently and then the code is delivered quickly. It is a way to provide value to customers efficientlly by using automations to shorten the release cycles.

Continous Integration

The CI (Continous Integration) part is about integrating changes into our system in a safe way.

Source code needs to live in a centralized repository where developers will constantly push code.

A dedicated server will know when code is pushed to this repository and will check the source code by building the project and running its tests.

The build server will send the results to the responsible developer when they are ready, closing the loop of feedback.


To perform the CI step in your project, you only need to push code to the repository.

How It Works

  1. Changes are pushed to the GitHub repository.
  2. The CI GitHub action (.github/workflows/ci.yml).
  3. The CI GitHub actions executes a build step.
  4. The build step executes the scripts/ script which builds a Docker image using the docker/ci.Dockerfile Dockerfile.
  5. When building the Docker image, the project is copied and built inside the Docker image.
  6. After building the Docker image, the scripts/ script creates a new Docker container using that image.
  7. The new Docker container executes the test runner.
  8. The test runner finishes running the tests and results are delivered to us via the GitHub UI.

Continous Delivery

The CD (continous delivery) part is an extension of CI (Continous Integration). It's about automatically deploying all code changes after the build stage.

Software releases are automated however the team can decide the frequency of these releases (Weekly, Biweekly, etc.).


To publish your project to npm, you only need to create a new GitHub release.


The CD GitHub action needs to be provided with an NPM_AUTH_TOKEN to perform actions in your behalf during the release step. Access tokens are an alternative to using username and passwords for authenticating in npm when using the CLI.

  1. Create an npm auth. token (The automation token type is recommended for this).
  2. Store the the obtained auth. token your GitHub repository's secrets.

How It Works

  • build:

    1. A new GitHub release is created.
    2. The CD GitHub action (.github/workflows/cd.yml) is triggered.
    3. The build step executes the scripts/ script which builds a Docker image using the docker/ci.Dockerfile Dockerfile.
    4. When building the Docker image, the project is built inside the Docker image.
    5. After building the Docker image, the scripts/ script creates a new Docker container using that image.
    6. The new Docker container executes the test runner.
    7. The test runner finishes running the tests and moves to the release step.
  • release:

    1. The release step executes the scripts/ script (passing the NPM_AUTH_TOKEN) which builds a Docker image using the docker/release.Dockerfile Dockerfile.
    2. When building the Docker image, the source code is copied inside the Docker image.
    3. After building the Docker image, the scripts/ script creates a new Docker container using that image.
    4. The new Docker container executes the instructions needed to publish the artifact to the npm registry.
    5. The new Docker container finishes publishing the artifact and returns some results to us via the GitHub UI.

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