eGovernment index dashboard: An eGov benchmarks data viewer
A simple Python and Dash Plotly app that visualizes hard-to-process data from eGov indexes by the European Union and the United Nations. This project started off as a part of a semestral assignment at FIT, Czech Technical University and later used during further research at the Charles University in Prague and at the Univeristy of Cambridge
This project has been split into several variations over time. Different repositories contain different versions based on the same original idea. There are currently two repositories:
, the original main working version, currently containing a czech mutation used for my diploma thesiseGovernment-index-dashboard-international
, the version adapted for some English publications
This version (It is currently only available in Czech, but is quite self explanatory.
Check the app here (Deployed on Heroku 22):
To run locally:
- Get requirements in requirements.txt through
npm install
- Run the app with:
$ python