
Expose Graphite metrics with an HTTP API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Shadow is a small HTTP API to expose your Graphite metrics in a monitorable HTTP format.

Shadow is inspired by Umpire.


Build from source with the Go tool:

$ go get github.com/cespare/shadow


Edit the configuration file, then start it up:

$ ./shadow -conf path/to/conf.toml

Shadow responds to queries at /check. The check properties are given in query-string parameters.

  • metric: The graphite metric key. Can be a query that returns multiple keys (e.g., using *, [...], or {...}).
  • range: How far back in the past to consider. The syntax is Go's time.Duration (see the time.ParseDuration documentation for the details). Examples: 30s, 5m, 1h.
  • limit: A comma-separated list of comparisons between an absolute value and an aggregator term. The possible comparators are <, <=, =, >=, and >. The possible aggregator terms are avg, min, max, and sum. Example: limit=min>500,avg>1000,avg<2000.
  • group_limit: This is like limit, except the possible aggregators are count and fraction. group_limit must be given when the target metric returns multiple values. This defines the limits on the number/fraction of successful targets needed for a successful check. Example: group_limit=count>5. There are two aliases, any and all, which can be used instead (e.g., group_limit=all).
  • include_empty_targets: This parameter controls whether Shadow considers targets that come back without any non-null datapoints.

Shadow has a health check that lives at /healthz. This also checks that Graphite is up as part of its health check.

Web UI

Shadow query strings can get somewhat hard to read, especially with all the url character escaping and when you have complex Graphite queries. So, Shadow includes a little web page that helps you construct the query strings. Just go to the root URL (for example, http://localhost:2050). (Note that for Shadow to find its HTML/CSS/JS assets, it must be run from the repository root.)



Suppose you log your web server's requests at web-1.requests.{count,rate}. You can make sure your mean qps doesn't fall below 300 for any 5-minute window:


Perhaps you also want to know if the load spikes above 2000 so you can spin up more workers:


You have multiple servers, and you want to ensure that none of them have out-of-whack qps:


You're using gost and you want to alert when one of your servers is overloaded:


You have a massive HDFS cluster and you want to know when more than 10% of the machines are running low on disk space:


Advantages over Umpire

  • Handy web UI for constructing queries
  • Easier to deploy (Go vs. Ruby)
  • More thorough error messages
  • Supports group limits
  • Richer bounding functionality