this is the fjordmelt tool after the plume model (jenkins,2011) and Cowton see publication: beckmann, 2018, the cryosphere and a tool to create a Temperature profile as in the glacier model.
Written in Fortran but wrapped for python, it can be used in python for direct investigations. when dowloaded in to (e.g. "/home/user/gitrepos/fjord/"") compile with ./
Then it can be used interactivley in ipython: sys.path.insert(0, "/home/user/gitrepos/fjord/") import jenkinslib as jenk m, y = jenk.jenkinslib.melting_process(X,Z,ta,sa,E0,sina,y0,len(X),'cone') with:
X (1d array) - path under glacier tongue, X=-Z for veritcal cliff Z (1d array) - depth, Z is negaitve Ta (1d array) - Ta (Z) temepertur profile from bottom to water surface Sa (1d array) - Sa (Z) salinity profile from bottom to water surface E0 - Enrtainement coefficeint (0.025-0.16) sina (1d array) - sina (Z) angele under tongue, sina = 1 for vertical cliff y0 - array, length 4 initial starting values, for velocity, thickness, salinity temperture ,times flux see code 'cone' or '1d' for type of plume
output: m (1d array)- melt rate along the glacier tongue y (4, 1d array) - plume proerties along the glacier tongue ( for velocity, thickness, salinity temperture ,times flux see code)