
OAuth2.0 REST API for Elgg

Primary LanguagePHP


This plugin provides an OAuth2.0 protected REST endpoint for third-party applications to an Elgg instance.


Use the normal procedures to install and activate the Elgg plugin. During activation the plugin will create a the following new tables: oauth_access_tokens, oauth_authorization_codes, oauth_clients, oauth_jwt, oauth_refresh_tokens, oauth_scopes, oauth_users, elgg_push_notifications_count and elgg_push_notifications_subscriptions.


To create a new OAuth2.0 client application insert a row into oauth_client:

INSERT INTO oauth_clients ('client_id', 'client_secret', 'gcm_key', 'apns_cert') VALUES ('[my-client-id]', '[supersecret]', '[google-api-key]', '[apple-certificate-and-private-key]');

The client_id and client_secret have to be configured in the OAuth2.0 client as well. Optionally iOS and Android push notifications of new river objects to group members can be configured by setting [google-api-key] to the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) API key and [apple-certificate-and-private-key] to the Apple Push certificate and private key. To generate the Apple certificate and private key export them from your Apple Keychain and use the following commands:

openssl x509 -in pleioapp-development.cer -inform der -out pleioapp-development.crt
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -nodes -in pleioapp-development.p12 -out pleioapp-development.key
Enter Import Password:
MAC verified OK

cat pleioapp-development.crt pleioapp-development.key

Paste the output into the apns_cert field of oauth_clients.

To receive notifications, applications register to the API by calling the /api/user/register_push endpoint.

Version information and documentation

Version information can be found at https://[your-elgg-instance]/api. To view the most recent API documentation check out https://[your-elgg-instance]/api/doc with the Swagger API browser.

Regenerate API documentation

To regenerate the Documentation is automatically generated by swagger-php. Use

composer global require zircote/swagger-php

to install this package globally. Then run


inside this plugin folder to generate swagger.json.

REST calls

Authorization is done by using OAuth2 access tokens. Request a new access token like:

curl  --data "client_id=pleioapp&client_secret=as389sfj3lkjsf3&username=admin&password=adminadmin&grant_type=password" http://www.pleio.dev/oauth/v2/token

Then perform authenticated requests like this:

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" https://www.pleio.dev/api/groups