This is a Raytracer in C++ made following The RayTracer Challenge by Jamis Buck
This project is using CMake version 3.15.3-2
In order to compile this project you need to execute the following commands:
prompt$ mkdir build
prompt$ cd build
prompt$ cmake ..
prompt$ make
prompt$ ./Raytracer
In order to launch the testsuite you need to execute the following commands:
prompt$ mkdir build
prompt$ cd build
prompt$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Test
prompt$ make
prompt$ ./Tests
Currently I'm working on the scene and shadows.
Here is what this raytracer can render
Planes Patterns Reflection and refraction Cubes Cylinders Groups Triangles .obj files parsing Constructive Solid Geometry Area Lights Soft Shadows Spot Lights Focal Blur Anti-aliasing Texture Maps Normal Perturbation Torus Yaml parser