
Reference implementations of data structures

Primary LanguageC


Reference implementations of various data structures optimized for clarity, from which all else follows. Will be rewritten in a better language..eventually.

These implementations are not intended as drop-in solutions and so particular edge cases are not handled for simplicity. These are:

  • handling failed allocations
  • key/value memory management

However no assumptions about these values are made; sentinel tricks assuming particular values of keys are avoided and left as an exercise to the reader.

  • ring deque (C)
  • binary heap (C)
  • skiplist (todo rewrite C++)
  • disjoint set union (C++)
  • AVL tree (C)
  • fenwick tree
  • treap
  • ab-trees
    • B-tree
    • B+tree
    • CSB+tree
  • radix trees
    • radix (patricia) trie (todo rewrite C++, work with std::strings)
    • level compresssed (linux LPC-trie)
    • adaptive spans (ART)
  • hash tables
    • linear/quadratic probing
    • robin hood
    • cuckoo
  • bloom filter