
Error when installing Plotjuggler to ros2 dashing

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I couldn't install plotjuggler plugin to ROS2 dashing.

When I execute following:
sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-plotjuggler
I got error E: Unable to locate package ros-dashing-plotjuggler

Then I tried to compile PlotJuggler from source.
I clone following repositories

 mkdir -p ~/ws_plotjuggler/src
 cd ~/ws_plotjuggler/src
 git clone
 git clone
 git clone

When I execute rosdep install

cd ~/ws_plotjuggler
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=${ROS_DISTRO} -y

I got the following error
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
plotjuggler_msgs: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [message_runtime]


first of all, because of my limited time I decided to support only Foxy or newer (still need to fix Rolling and Galactic).

For the records plotjuggler_msgs should use the brancg ros2.

Unless a company/individual sponsor the effort (or someone contributes with a PR), I will not support Dashing nor Eloquent.