
Not enough memory in the buffer stream when loading ROS2 data from CARLA simulator (Foxy Focal)

andrewbest-tri opened this issue · 3 comments

Greetings. I am running on ros2 foxy on ubuntu focal.
I am running the latest version of plotjuggler from deb (sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-plotjuggler-ros).
I am attempting to load data from CARLA's object message which is an ObjectArray:

When I attempt to load my array, I receive the following error:

he plugin [DataLoad ROS2 bags] thrown the following exception: 

 Not enough memory in the buffer stream

I am not sure how to debug further, but I do have a significant amount of available RAM (somewhere around 100gb free).

Any idea what may be causing this? If you need further information, I am happy to provide it.

Investigating a little, it seems like this is originated in FastCDR, not plotjuggler.

You should search there for a solution.

@andrewbest-tri Hi, I was also having the same issue. Were you able to figure out a solution?

I have not. I have modified my input data to remove the channels that cause problems for the moment as a workaround.