
It Just Might Happen

Primary LanguageJava

ijmh (It Just Might Happen)

name: ijmh
description: "It Just Might Happen" is reality added based on events
author: nsordk & PlugMania
main: info.plugmania.ijmh.ijmh
version: 2.4.0

Latest Release
v2.3.1 Bukkit: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ijmh/

Dev. version
v2.4.0 Github: https://github.com/PlugMania/ijmh/raw/master/Latest%20Build/ijmh.jar

General cleanup and recoding of deprecated classes
"Roses have thorns" now also works on Rose bushes too
Updated to CraftBukkit v1.7.9-R0.2 BETA
Updated to CraftBukkit v1.7.2-R0.3 BETA
Updated to CraftBukkit v1.6.2-R0.1 BETA
Started feature "Cactus Mania"
Added Double Trouble to Crazy Combat feature
Fixed Signs in Brew Explosion, and set signs:true as default.
Fixed error with Cows Do Kick didn't create config options.
Added options to add items or change armorpoints for Heavy Duty.
Added permission (ijmh.immunity.tar) that prevents slow on player.
Changed Struck by Lightning to check for non-user placed leaves.
Added AboveSeaLevel as option in Struck By Lightning
Fixed error from On Fire, where ItemInHand was null
Fixed console-error when using SKULL_ITEM as HEAD, and BONES as FEET
Changed Zombie Nation to spawn zombies on every deathcause or only zombies
Added color code compability to languagefile
Added Crazy Combat feature: Fair Play, Sparks, Backfire, Splinter, Bow Snaps, Weapon Breaks, Kill Rush
Added Near Death feature
Rework of the Heavy Duty update system, default values changed to: walkspeed 0.2, flyspeed 0.1, modifier 0.4
Players in water will not be affected by Sneaky Pickup
Fixed errorspam in console when attacked by entity
Added reset option to walk- & flyspeeds
Updated to CraftBukkit v1.4.5 R0.2
Brand new way to manage/setup features
All features split up for easier overview
Updated to CraftBukkit v1.4.2 R0.1 for testing
Preperation started towards building v2.0.0
All features now merged into their own classes
All features tested and merge was a success
All feature commands moved to their class and translated to use same function for setup
Changes to PlayerMoveEvent towards optimization
Fixed bug in "Row your boat" where block was created higher than player
Fixed commands to change Zombie Nation "whenzombie" and Brew Explosion "signs"
#5 Fixed error on suicide command
#5 Fixed error on inventoryCloseEvent with instanceof Player
Fixed Creative mode movement being limited by protection points
Added "Heavy Duty", Armor now reduce walk- and flyspeed based on protection points
Added "Zombie Nation", a zombie has a chance to raise upon player getting killed
Added "Sneaky Pickup", in order to pickup items, you will have to sneak.
Added "World Drop", chance for items to fall out of the sky around players online.
Partially added "Untamed Ride" and disabled it until actual riding plugin is decided or MC1.4 where pigs are controlable for riding
Added "Unstable TNT", chance for TNT, when placed, to explode instantly and kill player.
Fixed added messages from new version being null on the first load.
Fixed damage on pressure plates that activates redstone.
Added "BuggyBlock", check (100% default) for a range of blocktype to break underneath the player.
Removed setting from Quicksand to restrict when raining (was bugged).
Added "Dizzy In the Desert", chance during sunny daytime to get thirsty/dizzy.
Added "Row your Boat", chance for boat to sink and player will fight not to drown
Added Updatefunction for language.yml to use current language when updating with new version
Added MultiWorld support, to disable worlds in each feature
Added "Quicksand", chance to get sucked into the ground if not jumped enough
Minor fixes and tweaks
Added language.yml for editing the messages
Added Metrics for usage statistics
Added Material.PORK to Foodpoisoning as raw material
Fixed Immunity permission for Tired Miner
Fixed Catching Fire and the messagespam from putting it out
Added "Fisherman on hook", chance to carch more items or catch mobs
Added "Bump on the Rail", chance to get thrown out of the minecart
Added chance to break Bow during PvP
Added Tar, Sloweffect when walking over black wool
Added compability for WorldGuard invincible flag
Added chance for squid add POISON and BLINDNESS on being hit
Added Brew explosion (Signs still bugged)
Added compability with players inside a MazeMania game not to get struck by Lightning
Added option for Lightning to skip choosen biomes
Added walk on Red Roses causing slow and damage while moving through the roses.
Disabled Redstone from triggering when In vehicle
Added command for toggling ingame update messages.
Added command interface to tweak all settings by command.
Added chancemodifier to go lower than 1%
Changed foodpoison to only trigger on raw food.
Changed default duration for foodpoison to 5 seconds.
Fixed bug where cure foodpoison triggered on different events.
Added "The Happy Miner", Speeded or slowed when getting energized or tired from blockbreaking.
Fixed falling into water giving concussion.
Added Cows is supposed to be milked from the side and cows now kicks if milked from behind
Effectstatements optimized for performance
Fixed flight:on getting concussion from landing
Unlucky crafter added "aka craftthumb"
Versioncheck upon login or by command
Removed debug in config.yml