A collection of miscellaneous tweaks to Fimfiction comments.
Install a userscript manager like Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey. (It may work with Greasemonkey or other userscript managers, but I haven't tested them.) Also ensure that you're using a reasonably modern browser (the script requires ES6 support).
Then, click here to install from GitHub. The userscript is also available on Greasy Fork.
- Comment collapsing: Collapse a comment and all of its "descendants"
- "Oldest First" ordering: Collapses the comment, its replies, replies to those replies, and so on
- "Newest First" ordering: Collapses the comment, comments it replied to, comment those comments replied to, and so on
- Forward hiding: Clicking and expanding a link to a "forward" comment will hide the original comment
- "Oldest First" ordering: Expanding a callback (in the header of a comment) hides the original comment
- "Newest First" ordering: Expanding a quote link (in the body of a comment) hides the original comment
- Expanded callbacks are grouped below the comment header in order of expansion (Normally, replies are expanded after their callbacks, which pushes down unexpanded callbacks and makes them harder to click)
- When possible, cross-page quote links show the username and comment index instead of the comment ID
- Hovering on an expanded link does not show its comment
- Quote links to the parent comment are disabled (helps prevent infinite/redundant expansion)
- Quote links broken across two lines cannot cause flickering (the hover comment is positioned from the bottom of the quote link)
- When possible, quote links to deleted comments are marked with a strikethrough
- When there are multiple quote links in a child comment, the link to the parent comment is underlined
- Comments shown on hover are the width of the comment list (instead of the width of their parent comment)
- 150ms quote link hover delay shortened to 85ms
- Increased comment width (by decreasing right padding) for deeper nesting
- Expanded quote links are grayed out
- Comments do not expand with expanded child comments
- Embeds (image, YouTube, etc) work in expanded comments
- Loaded embeds will not autoplay when appearing in hover comments (should work for YouTube, Streamable, Gfycat, and Twitch, but probably not Soundcloud)
- Expanded comments show the username in the header
- When possible, cross-page comments show the comment index in the header instead of the comment ID (If not, the ID is shown without a "#" before it to differentiate it from an index)
- The previous/next page buttons update the URL hash (i.e. the visited page will be added to the browser history)
Most of these features don't apply to mobile, but the script does work on the mobile site. The differences/features are:
- Quote links will show usernames instead of numbers (and the index for cross-page links, etc.)
- Collapsing a comment collapses just that comment, and not any of its descendants
- Forward hiding only works with the "Newest First" ordering, as there are no callbacks
- Right padding is not decreased (it causes an overflow, and deeply nested comments can't fit on mobile screens anyway)
- Hover comments are disabled (they can accidentally be triggered, and don't look good)
- The commment count is updated when refreshing the comments or changing pages
Comment collapsing, forward hiding, callback grouping, and other features were inspired by 4chan X.
This userscript is under the MIT License. A copy can be found in the LICENSE
Some of the code has been directly cribbed (copy and pasted, variables renamed, prettified, de-Closure Compiled) from the Fimfiction source code. When possible, the script wraps existing code. When this is not possible, code must be copied.
The code in question is Copyright (c) 2011-2019 knighty & Xaquseg
. It is not provided under an open-source license, thus, this is copyright infringement. Hopefully, though, the amount copied is small enough that they don't mind.