Freshflow assessment


How to run

Assuming you have Flutter installed on your env.

2 choices:

  • Via your preferred IDE, example for example Android Studio:
    • create a Flutter run configuration with lib/presentation/main.dart entrypoint.
    • Click on run.
  • Via CLI:
    • run flutter pub get
    • run flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
    • run flutter run lib/presentation/main.dart

The context

This project is an assessment asked by Freshflow during the interview process of a Senior Flutter developer position.

Create a simple Flutter app that displays a simple shopping cart stored online

The project



I have chosen the Clean Architecture (more in Uncle Bob definition), layering the application in 3 different layers (data, domain, and presentation).

Some benefits of doing so includes: Framework independence, UI independence, Separation of concern, Highly testable.


I notably used the following lib and design pattern:

  • MVVM for the presentation layer with BloC.
  • GetIt for dependencies injection.
  • Stream for all flows.
  • Freezed for Sealed Class and serialization.
  • Logger.


Due to the very limited time, here is the improvement the app need:

  • No error handling.
  • Not working without internet.
  • No logging functionality (hardcoded).
  • No tracking data.
  • No code coverage.

Goal of the assessment

This code is a base to show how I work and to open a dialogue. With more time, all asked point could be cleanly answered.

I would be happy to speak about the solutions I would implement.