
Script to get your logged time from RescueTime

Primary LanguagePython

Script to get your productive time info from RescueTime API

How to use

  1. Get your API key from RescueTime. It will be good to create a new API key.
  2. Save it to:
    • C:\Users\%username%\.rescuetime (on Windows)
    • ~/.local/share/rescuetime.key (on Linux and Windows)
    • any other path. Pass this path as the -k or --key parameter to the script
  3. Install dependencies:
    • local virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    • user global package cache:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the script:
python main.py [OPTIONS]


  • -k, --key - RescueTime API key for the user
  • -f, --file - Path to the file with user's API key
  • --start - Sets the start day for data batch, inclusive. (always at time 00:00, start hour/minute not supported)
  • --end - Sets the end day for data batch, inclusive. (always at time 00:00, start hour/minute not supported)
  • -w, --wage - Amount of money you earn per productive hour
  • --multiplier - If provided all productive time will be multiplied by that value

Legacy How To

I renamed the old script to __legacy.py, so you could use it.

  1. Get your API key from RescueTime. It will be good to create a new API key.
  2. Save it to:
    • C:\Users\%username%\.rescuetime (on Windows)
    • ~/.local/share/rescuetime.key (on Linux and Windows)
    • any other path. Pass this path as the -k parameter to the script
  3. Install dependencies via pip:
pip install --user colorama requests
  1. Run the script


python source.py -k "C:\path\to\api\key.txt"