
Dataset & Code for Com2Sense Benchmark

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the dataset and baseline model weights for Com2Sense Benchmark.

It also provides access to Leaderboard submission.

Table of Contents


The directory is structured as follows:

├── train.json
├── dev.json
└── test.json

├── pair_id_train.json
├── pair_id_dev.son
└── pair_id_test.json

Each data file has the following format:

        "id": "",
        "sent": "",
        "label": "",
        "domain": "",
        "scenario": "",
        "numeracy": ""

For test.json, the ground-truth labels are excluded.

Pair id files are used to get data pair information and could be used to calculate pairwise accuracy.


Model Std / Pair Accuracy Weights
UnifiedQA-3B 71.31 / 51.26 Link
DeBerta-large 63.53 / 45.30 ...


For training we provide a sample script, with custom arguments (train.sh)

$ python3 main.py \
--mode train \
--dataset com2sense \
--model roberta-large \
--expt_dir ./results \
--expt_name roberta \
--run_name demo \
--seq_len 128 \
--epochs 100 \
--batch_size 16 \
--acc_step 4 \
--lr 1e-5 \
--log_interval 500 \
--gpu_ids 0,1,2,3 \
--use_amp T \

The log directory for this sample script would be ./results/roberta/demo/

The Train & Validation metrics are logged to TensorBoard.

$ tensorboard --logdir ...

Note: logdir = expt_dir/expt_name/run_name/



For inference on dev set, we can modify as follows (test.sh):

$ python3 main.py \
--mode test \
--model roberta-large \
--dataset com2sense \
--ckpt ./path_to_model.pth
--test_file test \
--pred_file roberta_large_results.csv 


To test your own model, modify the line 128:

model = Transformer(args.model, args.num_cls, text2text, num_layers=args.num_layers)

To evaluate on the official test set, we have two modes:

  • Evaluation

Run with eval mode

$ python3 leaderboard.py \
--mode eval \
--ckpt /expt_dir/expt_name/run_name/model.pth


    'pairwise': 0.25,
    'standard': 0.50
  • Submit

Fill in the information in submit.yaml, and then run with submit mode

$ python3 leaderboard.py \
--mode submit \
--ckpt /expt_dir/expt_name/run_name/model.pth \
--user_info ./submit.yaml

You can view the leaderboard at URL