MaveDB user interface
Your development environment will need to have the following software installed.
Node.js, version 14.
In addition to the installer packages, Node.js is also available through many package managers, such as Homebrew for macOS.
Node.js includes the package manager NPM.
AWS command-line interface (AWS CLI) (
If you are a macOS user, notice that in addition to the procedure suggested by AWS, you may also choose to install the AWS CLI via Homebrew:
In the project root directory, run
npm install
to install all project dependencies.
In development, this Vue.js application is served by the Vue Loader, which supports hot reload of updated components.
To start the application in the Vue Loader, run this command from the project root directory:
npm run serve
In production, the application is a static web application bundled using Webpack.
To build for production, run
npm run build
in the project root directory. The result is generated in the dest
subdirectory, and the contents of dest
can be deployed as static files on any web server.
Set up your AWS command-line interface (AWS CLI) credentials.
Please see for instructions.
You may also find it convenient to use named profiles if you use more than one AWS account:
To deploy in production, simply push the contents of dist
to the appropriate S3 bucket:
aws s3 sync ./dist s3://mavedb-ui