
Web app for interactive tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Web application, accessible by any user, that allows an educator to conduct interactive quizzes. This methodology will serve the educator as a guide to reinforce knowledge in students while being able to perform an analysis to find weaknesses in student learning.


The production environment is: PlusLearn

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/PlushyZeus35/PlusLearn.git

Go to the project directory

  cd PlusLearn

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

To start the server in a development mode

  npm run nodemon

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

PLUSLEARNDB_HOST Hostname or IP address of the machine hosting the MariaDB database.

PLUSLEARNDB_DATABASE Database name used in this project. Must be created in a MariaDB database.

PLUSLEARNDB_USER Username of the MariaDB database.

PLUSLEARNDB_PASSWORD Password of the user of the MariaDB database.

EMAIL_SENDER Email direction used to send communications to users.

EMAIL_PASSWORD Pasword of email used to send communications to users.

EMAIL_RECEIVER Email directions used to receive error communications of the platform.


Contributions are always welcome!

This repository doesn't have contributing.md at this moment. To contribute to the project follow the next steps:

  • Create a feature branch from the dev branch
  git checkout dev
  git pull
  git checkout -b "new-branch-name"
  • Develop the new features in the new branch
  • Create a PR to the dev branch with information of the pull request and some screenshots if are necessary.
  • The code owner will review the changes and will deploy it in next releases


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This project was created for a final thesis of the degree in computer engineering of university of Salamanca. Logo