This repo is originall designed for migrating Dashboard 1.0 data from OpenLDAP into MongoDB of 2.0. So is the derivation of the name of this repo. However it also includes other scripts that helps you work on Dashboard.
To use this, first you need to clone it under dashboard's folder. Check the 'Clone and Install' sector of old WalkThrough below.
## Tools
`add-admin.js`, Adding users into admin(or other) groups programmatically.
These're simple scripts, I have only impemented converting via stdin/stdout.
After you have Dashboard 2.0 installed, you may begin to migrate the data.
Suppose you have Dashboard 2.0 installed under path
, then
Clone and Install
First ensure you have node
specified, by this
nvm use [same version as the dashboard]
cd path/app
git clone https://github.com/Plypy/OpenMRS-ID-Migrator.git Migrator
cd Migrator
npm install
Get Data From OpenLDAP
Get user
ldapsearch -x -W -LLL -D cn=admin,dc=openmrs,dc=org -b ou=users,dc=openmrs,dc=org uid=* > users.ldif
Get groups
ldapsearch -x -W -LLL -D cn=admin,dc=openmrs,dc=org -b ou=groups,dc=openmrs,dc=org cn=* > groups.ldif
Parse Data
node parse-users.js < users.ldif > users.json
node parse-groups.js < groups.ldif > groups.json
Migrate Data
node store.js
If successful, you should see this, by now.
successfully synced all groups
successfully synced all users
Congratulations, you've successfully migrated to Dashboard 2.0!
Then you'd better delete this.
cd ..
rm -rf Migrator
Verify the Migration
To verify whether the data was correctly migrated to mongo, run this command,
node verify.js
Ignore the log message coming from ldap. If everything was alright, you shall see All data was successfully and correctly migrated
And if something was wrong, I hope not, the verifier will report.
Strategy to Erase Duplicate Emails
For some reasons, there are some old accounts with duplicate emails. And this shouldn't and won't be allowed to happen in the Dashboard 2.0.
So based on this talk, I've adopted such strategy.
For duplicate emails,
- Remove all nonprimary emails.
- Users with duplicate primary email will be skipped.
- Removed emails and skipped users will be stored in 'skipped.json', if there is any.
Except from those, all info will be migrated into mongo.
That's all.