
Mod 1 FE paired project boilerplate repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hang in There


We built a random/custom poster generator that stores our images so we can revisit for needed motivation! The problem is if you need a good inspirational image but don't know what you are looking for, or, you know what you want, but can't find it anywhere else. Our app generates random images and inspirational text and allows for a fully customizable poster.

Installation Instructions:

They would have to have a git hub. We would send a link to our repo. They would then fork the repo. Then click green code button on the right side and copy the ssh key. Then they would open their terminal and navigate to desired directory to store the repo. Then they would type "git clone" then followed by a pasted copy of the ssh link. Then they would have to "cd" into the repo directory and then run "open index.html"

Preview of App:

A cool visual aspect


A lot of learning steps. Really difficult to find a place to start. roughly around 24 hours of work. We are mod 1 and 2 weeks in.


Elise Jones: https://github.com/Elise-JonesA

Patrick Ankiewicz

Learning Goals:

To understand the complexity of the DOM. How to interact and work wit it. Further understand HTML and CSS. Understand how all those files work together and how they are accessed and changed via javascript.

We used VS code and github.

Wins + Challenges:

Our first win was getting the first poster to load! By the third day we started to understand each other more and were able to work together more efficiently.


  • We faced large challenge with git and github. We reffered to notes, googled errors and tried automated suggestions for fixes. We did continue to encounter git errors but became efficient at overcoming them.
  • We faced a few unproductive struggles. Took about an hour into each one before calling ourselves on it. We then reached out for help to get us over the hurdle.