Table of Contents


Welcome to Rancid Tomatillos, the completely unique app that is in no way shape or form similar to rotton tomatoes, you know, the exstensive movie data base that I have never heard of. Our Rancid Tomatillos application gathers information from a movie api and displays all titles on page load. We utilize router to make use of multiple pages for multiple movies.


  • React
  • Router
  • Cypress
  • React Player
  • JavaScript
  • CSS



giph of project

Deployed Page



  • Successfully creating an app using a handful of new technologies including Cypress and React router
  • Implementing async and await for api calls
  • Using gitHub projects to create an organized project board to facilitate our project and manage our time in a professional manner.

Challenges & Improvements

  • Working with a simple API and creating features that provide more context for the user.
    • Possible future improvements and features:
      • Responsiveness on all screen sizes without losing integrity of the design
      • Implement user authentication and login functionality, enabling personalized user experiences
      • Allow users to favorite movies and/or build list of movies to watch
      • Build a backend using Express.js to better tailor the data and endpoints to the app's specific needs

Set Up

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone the repo to your local machine
  3. Run npm i, then npm start
  4. View the project in the browser by opening localhost:3000
